Just a quick review/opinion of the Pirate game; not too frustrating for my 6 yr old to play, and still gets lots of intrest of his older 9 yr old brother, and me
There are basically ~70 task to complete in order to save the mermaid, everything from 'go meet so-and-so' to 'bring me back what I lost'. The mini games are quite fun, some might object to the gambling nature in some of the games (plus you get to place 'bets' on some game of skills). Money earned lets you upgrade ships, speed, defense, canons, cargo capacity. Other ways to earn money is to trade goods (eg, fish bought at one island for $20 and sold at another for $50 per unit). Other than earning the $$ to upgrade your ship so you can take on the other side, the story line moves on quite nicely, just a little repetitive every now and then. Only wish was for a fuller story (eg, more cut scenes).
Will be getting the Knights game when it's out for sure.