I don't know how much Playmobil consider themselves a rival to Lego, but clearly that's where they are in the marketplace.
In every shop I've been to, Lego has more shelf space, more variety, and more kids drooling over them. Of the big retailers TRU has the most Playmobil, but still a very limited choice, Target has about 3 items, Fred Meyer the same, Wal*Mart nothing at all. The smaller retailers, which are necessarily more expensive with their greater overheads, do better regarding stock and variety, but also a much smaller stock-flow, as evidenced by ther two castles I bought this week which had been on the shelves for 16 years.
Not giving Playmobil US the credit they need to get the stock on the shelves, particularly in the run-up to Christmas, seems a sure-fire way to damage their market share, and reduce potential future sales.
That's fully in line with everything I've learnt to expect from Geobra as a business machine. Lack of vision, lack of cohesive drive, lack of a basic understanding of the marketplace.
It's sad, because I can envision a time when Playmobil is only available in the US either online, or from specialist toystores at inflated prices.