Author Topic: 1-2-3 part numbers  (Read 4743 times)

Online Rasputin

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1-2-3 part numbers
« on: December 11, 2009, 17:26:47 »
Hi  :elf:

   A while back I received a 1-2-3 #6600 house. The younger 2 loved playing with it but the wife thinks it is time to set it free. I wanted to complete at least the building as it is missing the stairs, a window and ? Heater does not have any part #'s in the DB and I have never bought one new. Do they come with plans and part numbers? I know I just can ask the Playmobil Parts personnel but seeing as I am usually on the phone for an hour already I wanted to try to keep the confusion to a minimum. I do not even know how old these are? Not many fans of 1-2-3 stuff in here but for kids under 3 they are a great way to introduce them to Playmobil.

   Thanks for any help
   Rasputin "The Mad Monk"
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Re: 1-2-3 part numbers
« Reply #1 on: December 11, 2009, 22:08:52 »
1-2-3 part numbers have been exceedingly hard to come across. I've only seen instructions for one set - a railroad - and have gleaned a few other numbers from Animobil and the official Playmobil site.  I do know that they all start with "60" instead of "30" - not a lot of help, but good to know if verifying numbers.  In short, if you find anything out, let me know and I'll share it! has catalogued over FIFTY-FIVE THOUSAND parts in more than 6100 sets. Come and visit to find any set or part numbers you need to know!

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Re: 1-2-3 part numbers
« Reply #2 on: December 11, 2009, 23:27:16 »

I bought a lot of 1-2-3 sets when my twins were little. Can't recall any of the boxed ones coming with instruction sheets. I suppose it's because the sets are so easy to assemble and don't have any really small parts.

It can be a bit annoying when you're missing a bit here and there and there's no easy way to order it separately. :(

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Re: 1-2-3 part numbers
« Reply #3 on: December 12, 2009, 06:11:44 »
Many of the 1-2-3 numbers I have at Animobil I got by ordering the animal from DS. Usually I do my known part numbers first and then ask them to lookup the 1-2-3 parts I am wanting. When it's in stock then it will show up on your invoice with the number, even if they short you on it. If it's not in stock I ask them what the number is so I can try again later, and of course it gets added into Animobil's database.
If you do end up ordering the parts from DS then please remember to tell PlaymoDB what the numbers are. Every bit of data can help someone some time.

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Re: 1-2-3 part numbers
« Reply #4 on: October 29, 2011, 09:39:51 »
I just noticed the lack of 1-2-3 instructions sheets with part numbers, too! I agree with Raz that the 6600 house is just lovely for all ages, but it is incredibly rare in good condition. Most of the ones for sale look as if they have been trashed.

I looked for months and finally paid 60USD for a new one on eBay because it was the only one I could find that appeared new, and it arrived in quite used condition. Aaarggghhhh! So I am negotiating the price with the very helpful seller who has sold me many other new/like new 123 sets with no problem in the past. I may return the whole set.

Many times I have looked in DB for the part numbers to 123, and now understand why they are not there. If I obtain any numbers, will post them.

IF anyone wants to dispose of their like new 6600 house, please email me. I am becoming a huge fan of 123!!! Pgal :wave:

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Re: 1-2-3 part numbers
« Reply #5 on: October 29, 2011, 11:32:08 »
Pgal, if you have any friends travelling back from kuala lumpur...I'll be happy to pass (give) you some 1-2-3 figures & animals (I never bought any buildings)...just happy to give them a loving home :) I cant even remember what I have because they are buried deep in stacked cases of toys I might never use. (I do give a them to mums with babies but no mums here appreciates/knows their value here :P

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Re: 1-2-3 part numbers
« Reply #6 on: October 29, 2011, 13:34:27 »
That is so kind of you!!! That would have a nice home here with their fellow 1-2-3ers! My mind is working on this!!!
I agree that most people would not appreciate the gift of 123 for their toddlers. So I may not give any more away and will buy something else simple for those gifts at the goodwill or thrift store where they recycle all sorts of clothing and items here in the US.
Cheers, Pgal
After two decades of male toys (esp. Lego and PM) in our house, it is time to build something for us women!

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Re: 1-2-3 part numbers
« Reply #7 on: October 29, 2011, 15:47:02 »
My mind is working on this!!!
I agree that most people would not appreciate the gift of 123 for their toddlers.

youre most welcome....many tourists and businessmen come to Kuala Lumpur...just keep your antenna working ;)

I've not met anyone kid here who has heard of playmobil (let alone 1-2-what?? ;D) even though they were sold here once. for baby presents, I think youre quite familiar with Asian mentality, generally, recycling is only a business, not a duty, and there are no thrift shops nor city folks seen at car boot gifts have to be brand new and expensive...the young couples would rather get indebted to the credit companies than be seen using a used pram...well, the city ones I know. ::)
(sorry for digressing Rasputin, I just had to explain why I still have my 1-2-3 after so many years...I bought them new for myself and of course dont play with them...except customise a my avatar ;))

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Re: 1-2-3 part numbers
« Reply #8 on: October 29, 2011, 16:14:47 »
I've always loved your avatar cheng  :inlove:
I hadn't realised it was a customised 123 figure, I just thought it came as it was.   :-[
Which figures did you use for it?

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Re: 1-2-3 part numbers
« Reply #9 on: October 29, 2011, 18:21:09 »

Looks like 123 Grandma's hair to me in your avatar! I love that hair, and both grandparents 123 and full sized. Gray hair is gorgeous on PM figures!

We are lucky that most folks here use their brains and recycle everything used for a baby because you use it for such a short time. So it is acceptable to give someone your baby swing, stroller, crib, clothing or toys as long as it is in decent shape. Most of us could not afford to buy all this stuff new. So one of the most important things is to meet people with children a year or two older than yours and become friends before your baby arrives!

A few folks go out and buy everything new, but it usually is a big waste since many things the baby will not use due to being the wrong size in a particular season or just not liking to play with.

I think that 123 could be a good investment if you have several children or plan to recycle the toys, but many things sold in the US are so poorly made that they will not survive one child. Obviously PM will! Cheers, Pgal
After two decades of male toys (esp. Lego and PM) in our house, it is time to build something for us women!