
If you had a choice on a new or expanding historical theme ?

10 (25.6%)
15 (38.5%)
Roman ( expansion )
9 (23.1%)
Egyptian (expansion )
1 (2.6%)
2 (5.1%)
2 (5.1%)

Total Members Voted: 39

Voting closed: December 21, 2009, 13:28:42

Author Topic: New Theme or expand  (Read 10050 times)

Offline Cloud Strife

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Re: New Theme or expand
« Reply #10 on: November 23, 2009, 12:10:43 »
Can we just have all of them? ;)

My vote was for Romans though since they have the most potential to work with the rest of the line.  Some Roman civilian buildings could do double duty as banks or city halls in the Modern or Victorian theme.  Just imagine all the parts that one could harvest from these sets to open up building possibilities for System X - railings, windows, cornices, and columns.  Yeah, I  want a real honest-to-goodness column the same height as the standard wall unit.

Offline Indianna

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Re: New Theme or expand
« Reply #11 on: November 24, 2009, 13:47:44 »
Can we just have all of them? ;)

Brilliant!    :yup:   ;D
U.S.A.      Massachusetts

Offline cachalote

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Re: New Theme or expand
« Reply #12 on: November 24, 2009, 21:36:21 »
i also voted for the romans.  :-[
not that i wouldn't like to see a different "path".  :yup:
the greeks and the persians would be too technically historic i think (a lot of people in this planet would have trouble recognising them).
with the maya (inca / azteca) theme, maybe most of the things we know about their society do not go along easily with a "smile".
the egyptians are a litttle bit like the romans - easy to recognize.
"asian" is a world too simple to define something - where and when in asia?
    honni soit qui mal y pense

Offline Donmobil

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Re: New Theme or expand
« Reply #13 on: November 25, 2009, 06:24:09 »
I voted to expand the Egyptian theme.  The set #4246 makes a great Egyptian home.  A few of these would be a small village that can be expanded.  Possibly wall sections to enlarge the courtyard around the house.  The reason I voted this way is to add Hittites.  Not only would this mean more chariots and more troops, but with another house and family that may be combined to make a larger mixed village.  The Hittites had a two man heavy chariot plus various troops.  Playmobill should have two themes that can be compatable yet give us wargamers troops to game with.

My 2¢ worth...

-- Donmobil

Offline Tiermann

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Re: New Theme or expand
« Reply #14 on: November 25, 2009, 15:24:27 »
It's possible to mix the Roman and Egyptians - Antony & Cleopatra & Caesar ...

Offline Martin Milner

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Re: New Theme or expand
« Reply #15 on: November 25, 2009, 15:45:37 »
Of the choices you gave I'd like to see Greek, but Feudal Japanese would be my #1 choice for a new Historical theme.

Offline stadswache

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Re: New Theme or expand
« Reply #16 on: November 25, 2009, 19:36:11 »
i,ve chose the greek.

But if it was up to me for a new theme..

mm lets see.. 

Maby harry potter Including the train...

of some mhyts??

Its not about your choices, its about the chances you take, that makes the future.

Offline Klickus Mobilius

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Re: New Theme or expand
« Reply #17 on: November 26, 2009, 03:55:29 »
i also voted for the romans.  :-[

"asian" is a world too simple to define something - where and when in asia?

Exactly my thoughts about an Asian theme.  Thank you, Cachalote.  Are we talking about ancient Chinese or Japanese?  These are two totally different cultures.  We don't refer to "ancient European"; we should likewise not lump all Asians into one category.  Feudal Japan should be differentiated from Dynastic China. 

Or are we talking about India?  Or Mongolia?

Offline Justindo

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Re: New Theme or expand
« Reply #18 on: December 03, 2009, 05:51:19 »
Here's my proposal for Playmobil’s “Ancient Theme” continuation

Much like Playmobil keeps the Knight and Pirate themes around and how each evolves (e.g. going from early 19th century pirates and British Napoleonic soldiers to early 17th century Spanish conquistadors), I was thinking that it would be nice if Playmobil did the same for their “Ancient” theme.  So far the “Ancient” theme has been comprised of the Romans and Egyptians.  The Medieval related Viking theme lasted three years, as did the Ancient Roman theme, however Playmobil decided to carry over the Roman ship, chariot, and soldiers, which I’m guessing were the theme's best sellers, for at least another year.  Presumably the entire Egyptian line will follow the same three-year pattern and perhaps Playmobil will decide to keep the Egyptian ship, chariot and soldiers around for at least another year as they did with the Romans.  But this “Ancient” theme could last indefinitely by gradually discontinuing a few old and adding a few new sets to it throughout the years, thus keeping it alive, yet consistent in size and very fresh.

Here’s what I propose and dream of (note: timeline is US and UK):

2011:  Discontinue the three carryover Roman sets and replace them with a green trimmed Roman ship (new stickers, sail, and parts colors are all that’s needed), a green four-horse chariot with a green trimmed officer (only new stickers and parts colors needed), and green auxiliary soldiers with a new oval shield printing and a cornicen instead of a signifier (only one new part and new parts colors needed).  What child and adult wouldn’t want different colored Roman soldiers, chariots, and ships?  (Different colored ships certainly work for the pirate theme!)

2012:  No changes.

2013:  All Egyptian sets are discontinued except for the ship, chariot, and soldiers.  A full Celtic theme is introduced.  The large set is a Celtic hill fort (wooden palisade, large round hut, domestic accessories, new klickies).  The three medium sets are a small Celtic hut with domestic accessories, a partial Stonehenge-like ceremony place with alter and druids, and a Roman watchtower.  The smaller sets are a two-person two-horse Celtic chariot, Celtic warriors, and a mounted Celtic noble.

2014:  Discontinue the three carryover Egyptian sets and replace them with a Dacian warrior set (with boar warhorn and draco standard) and a mounted Dacian chieftain.

2015:  Discontinue the three Roman green sets and replace them with a black trimmed Roman ship (new stickers, sail, and parts colors are all that’s needed), a black four-horse chariot with a black trimmed officer (only new stickers and parts colors needed), and black Praetorian guards with a new scutum shield printing and a aquila instead of the previous signifier and cornicen (only one new part and new parts colors needed).  This continues the idea of collectible different colored Roman soldiers, chariots, and ships.

2017: All Celtic sets are discontinued except the chariot, the warriors, and the mounted warrior.  A full Hittite theme is introduced.  The large set is a stone Hittite fort with distinct and new to Playmobil pointed parapets.  The medium sets are a Hittite house with domestic accessories, and a stone Hittite watchtower  The smaller sets consist of a three-person two-horse chariot and Hittite warriors.

2018:  Discontinue the three carryover Celtic sets and/or the two Dacian sets IF something else is introduced.  (Suggestions?)

2019:  Discontinue the three carryover Celtic sets and/or the two Dacian sets and/or the three black Roman sets IF something else is introduced.  (Suggestions?)

2020:  Discontinue the three carryover Celtic sets and/or the two Dacian sets and/or the three black Roman sets If something else is introduced.  (Suggestions?)

2021:  All Hittite sets are discontinued except for the chariot and warriors.  A full Greek theme is introduced.  The large set is a Greek temple.  The medium sets are a Greek ship and a Greek lighthouse.  The smaller sets are a two-person two-horse Greek chariot, Athenian warriors, and Spartan warriors.

2022 and beyond:  ?

Thoughts?  Can someone suggest Ancient Theme sets for 2018 and beyond?
:egypt: :roman: :viking: :knight: :arrr: :indian: :cowboy:

Offline reylocann

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Re: New Theme or expand
« Reply #19 on: December 03, 2009, 08:58:01 »
 :!: I say they go waaaaaay back and do a Neanderthal theme.  I think there is real potential in that with caves, skins, wild boars, mammoths, clubs, arrowhead type tools, the first wheels.  You could have a cave dwelling, a hunt set, a gathering set, an artist set, a cooking set, a "first tools" set with wheels, pulleys, levers, etc., a predator set, and you could finish the theme with the extinction set  ;D

But seriously folks, I think the Romans and Egyptians are a wonderful way to introduce these ancient cultures to young children.  However, South America, Asia and Oceania are underrepresented in terms of their ancient civilisations:   Zhou, Ming, Han, Inca, Aztec, Mayan and Maiori [not considered ancient rather it is indigenous - like the Native Americans] to name a few. Expansion of current themes would be nice,  but I think its also important to expand the entire collection so that all the different ethnicities have at least some inclusion into the PlaymoWorld.  (Our own world is getting smaller and today's children will be interacting with other cultures. If Playmobil wants to continue to grow their product in this global economy, they will need to start to cater to many different cultures.** We all know, the more we learn about the history of a people the better we understand their cultural norms.) 

In terms of expansion of sets, most people have a threshold of how much they want to spend on these sets. Introducing themes over a 2-3 year period is fine, but there do need to be limits.  Investment in an entire theme currently will run [retail] anywhere from $300-$600.  Also, 3 years is a very long time in the life of a child.  Tastes change, interests change and children [not including any of the playmofriends  :-[] do grow out of  Playmobil.  I think that they ought to introduce/retire a new ancient civilisation  every two years.  One goes out another comes in....  There are enough ancient cultures to last a couple of decades.  When they run out, bring back the first theme anew.

**With regards to specific cultures and marketability, Egyptians are universal - they ought to be a new timeless theme.   However, we don't teach about the Persians in elementary school in America.  Our 5th grade history books more or less start with the discovery of the new world.  We teach about the Aztecs.  I think it would be a big risk for Playmobil to try to sell the smaller, more locally influential civilisations globally. Perhaps they should release certain cultures in certain geographic locations.  Europe gets the Persians, China gets the Hans, and the Americas get the Aztecs.  Food for thought and that's my 2¢, for what it is worth.  ;)
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