Here's my proposal for Playmobil’s “Ancient Theme” continuation
Much like Playmobil keeps the Knight and Pirate themes around and how each evolves (e.g. going from early 19th century pirates and British Napoleonic soldiers to early 17th century Spanish conquistadors), I was thinking that it would be nice if Playmobil did the same for their “Ancient” theme. So far the “Ancient” theme has been comprised of the Romans and Egyptians. The Medieval related Viking theme lasted three years, as did the Ancient Roman theme, however Playmobil decided to carry over the Roman ship, chariot, and soldiers, which I’m guessing were the theme's best sellers, for at least another year. Presumably the entire Egyptian line will follow the same three-year pattern and perhaps Playmobil will decide to keep the Egyptian ship, chariot and soldiers around for at least another year as they did with the Romans. But this “Ancient” theme could last indefinitely by gradually discontinuing a few old and adding a few new sets to it throughout the years, thus keeping it alive, yet consistent in size and very fresh.
Here’s what I propose and dream of (note: timeline is US and UK):
2011: Discontinue the three carryover Roman sets and replace them with a green trimmed Roman ship (new stickers, sail, and parts colors are all that’s needed), a green four-horse chariot with a green trimmed officer (only new stickers and parts colors needed), and green auxiliary soldiers with a new oval shield printing and a cornicen instead of a signifier (only one new part and new parts colors needed). What child and adult wouldn’t want different colored Roman soldiers, chariots, and ships? (Different colored ships certainly work for the pirate theme!)
2012: No changes.
2013: All Egyptian sets are discontinued except for the ship, chariot, and soldiers. A full Celtic theme is introduced. The large set is a Celtic hill fort (wooden palisade, large round hut, domestic accessories, new klickies). The three medium sets are a small Celtic hut with domestic accessories, a partial Stonehenge-like ceremony place with alter and druids, and a Roman watchtower. The smaller sets are a two-person two-horse Celtic chariot, Celtic warriors, and a mounted Celtic noble.
2014: Discontinue the three carryover Egyptian sets and replace them with a Dacian warrior set (with boar warhorn and draco standard) and a mounted Dacian chieftain.
2015: Discontinue the three Roman green sets and replace them with a black trimmed Roman ship (new stickers, sail, and parts colors are all that’s needed), a black four-horse chariot with a black trimmed officer (only new stickers and parts colors needed), and black Praetorian guards with a new scutum shield printing and a aquila instead of the previous signifier and cornicen (only one new part and new parts colors needed). This continues the idea of collectible different colored Roman soldiers, chariots, and ships.
2017: All Celtic sets are discontinued except the chariot, the warriors, and the mounted warrior. A full Hittite theme is introduced. The large set is a stone Hittite fort with distinct and new to Playmobil pointed parapets. The medium sets are a Hittite house with domestic accessories, and a stone Hittite watchtower The smaller sets consist of a three-person two-horse chariot and Hittite warriors.
2018: Discontinue the three carryover Celtic sets and/or the two Dacian sets IF something else is introduced. (Suggestions?)
2019: Discontinue the three carryover Celtic sets and/or the two Dacian sets and/or the three black Roman sets IF something else is introduced. (Suggestions?)
2020: Discontinue the three carryover Celtic sets and/or the two Dacian sets and/or the three black Roman sets If something else is introduced. (Suggestions?)
2021: All Hittite sets are discontinued except for the chariot and warriors. A full Greek theme is introduced. The large set is a Greek temple. The medium sets are a Greek ship and a Greek lighthouse. The smaller sets are a two-person two-horse Greek chariot, Athenian warriors, and Spartan warriors.
2022 and beyond: ?
Thoughts? Can someone suggest Ancient Theme sets for 2018 and beyond?