It's a real shame for people who needed a little help to put together an old set for their kids and have lost the plans. I can understand such folks not wanting to pay the tiny starting fee here, but for anyone who really wants to chat about Playmobil on a longer term basis, surely they'd have joined one of the alternates by now?
It may be that people are enjoying more free time to do other things. I used to chat daily on a website that was ostensibly about Irish Music, but barely visit even once a month now, other things have taken precedence.
I can't believe Playmoboard will ever be back now, if Panos really wanted it done it would have happened months ago. Surely it would be possible to back up to a date before the hacking, put up better firewalls, and go from there? I'm no web programmer, so I just can't see the difficulties, I guess.