So, I opened this thread because I began to collect a few images, searching for the short rifle, and when it changed, so I'll show all the pictures that I gathered here, and speak a little about them.
These below
(attached) are:
#1, the bayonet in the old kind of rifle (with the short tip), & in the times when silver bits were still most of them shining (now, a few of them are dull, which is good, to me, because that shining looks is a painting, and it leaves, in time, while the dull silver and gold is the plastic colour, and it isn't lost with time);
& #2, the arabian rifle, which was never produced (that I know) in dull silver, or gold, and that could, once it's a very nice accessory, and it might go well with many sets, specially now that we have pyramids, around!
Both sets date back, in the Archiv, from 1980.