The following photo story is about the Playmobil City Fire Department's station interiors living quarters. All PCFD fire stations are designed to be exactly the same. Even the 2 additional stations numbers 15, & 25 are being built to be exactly like their sister stations. The reason this is being done is the theory that if personnel members that are substituting for absent fellow members are placed in a station that is not their own, the atmosphere to settle in will be exactly as their own station, making the chore of finding, & performing station duties much more efficient. The same is for apparatus equipment set up, & design, which is why this is the same reason for this theory to be implemented. When transfer personnel are placed with an apparatus, it can keep confusion & delays of finding equipment, & supplies to a minimum on an incident scene. There is a department rule that all personnel are fed 3 meals a day. Firefighters are only charged $2.00 for each meal. They're allowed as many refills as they want. Playmobil City Emergency Medical Service units assigned to each station eat with the PCFD firefighters every meal. Playmobil City Police Department units that are assigned to each stations call area have a standing invitation to eat with the PCFD also. Each of the 10 PCFD stations prepare 3 meals everyday the same way. All visitors eat with the PCFD personnel at no cost. The philosophy is to strengthen relationships & brotherhood by breaking bread together every meal. The following photo story describes the every day life within the PCFD stations. I hope you enjoy the story.
Apparatus officers & backup/reserve dispatch office.
District 1 Fire Chief Lawrence's office.
Hand held radio batteries being charged.
An overview of the instructional/training class room.
Instructional class showing the new rescue saw.
Instructional/training classroom office.
Firefighter carving the rotisserie chickens for the evening meal.
James cooking a special order.
Washing some cooking pots, & pans.
PCPD officer receiving portions.
An overview showing the variety of food that is offered at every meal.
It's our very own Tim_W, & Little Jo's avatars in the meal line.
A view of one of PCPD's finest. Notice the 2 avatars smiling in the background.
A PCEMS personnel getting a slice of bread.
A PCFD firefighter pouring a cup of coffee, & Sylvia's avatar pouring some hot tea.
Another view. Whenever there are Playmofriends from the UK visiting PCFD stations we gladly have hot tea available for them to drink at all times.
FireChief's avatar takes his job very serious as you can tell, because he is wearing his turnout gear, SCBA, helmet, & brings a hose with him to dinner.
Notice though, he has a plate in his hand, now if someone can back him up on the hose we'll be in great shape! My avatar shown with the new orange & black rescue saw.
A picture of FireChief's hose routed through the dining room.
There is always a friendly atmosphere at meal time.
Firefighters Jerry & Jimmy talking about carving the roasted chickens with the rescue saws. Don't worry, we think they're just kidding,....we think!
A picture of some of PCFD's spoiled Dalmations demanding affection from their masters.
A friendly card game.
Another view.
Our very own Playmofire playing a friendly game of seven card stud.
He just may have the winning hand, or maybe he's bluffing!
The lounging area for watching video movies, or listening to the stereo.
The bunk room with some personnel taking cat naps.
Self explanatory about what's going on here
Conference room table & chairs.
There is going to be another short story about a fire pole sliding race between 2 avatars to be shown in the near future,..... so, NOT THE END......