We'll look at the crew next. You get three of these, two men and a woman. The equipment for them consists of a BA (breathing apparatus set), a handheld radio, a megaphone and an equipment belt of some sort. The crew are wearing the later version of the grey uniform introduced in 1996 with white/cream hands and detachable cuffs to represent work gloves. The helmet design is the US style, as you'd expect with a set designed originally for the US market.
It's up to you to decide which figure uses which pieces of equipment with one exception - the female figure cannot wear the BA set properly because of her pony tail. However, if you change her hair style for one without a pony tail, the set fits OK. When I bought the set the BA cylinder was the original, shorter bodied design and it is still shown as this design in the DS section of the Playmobil website. However, that design of cylinder has not been available as a DS spare for quite some time, so it may well be that the new, loner, flat-topped cylinder is now used.