There is a donkey, a Police Woman, two "Robbers" looking Men cheering up with a Woman holding a glass of wine, a Murderer who looks like Hannibal Lector, a dead Countryman, a King and a Napoleon looking at the Sea, a Dracula dressed alike man pushing a wheelchair, a second Countryman breaking Jars / Amphoras, a Man dressed in a Nuclear Anti Radiations Suit, a Guy looking pretty much like a Blues Brothers, another one looking like having spent the past ten years on a deserted island and a casual looking Man with a beard that could be French should he had a baguette under his arm

All this happening on a promontary that could be in a mediterranean region and stormy seas in the background.
The jars / amphoras surely have a meaning and the title of the painting "The Ass Festival" surely has one too.

Are they coming to the end of their journey ? It certainly is an intersting mix of people / characters that one would not associate with another
