Excellent Tim! I'm not working presently on any new developments, but I agree that utilizing combined ideas, it may ease many design conflicts! I'm excited to see your participation again with all of your off the chain fabrication techniques & contributions! There have been many times during your absence that an idea on one of your existing designs as shown in my reproduction of your Heavy Duty Rescue cutters, or a new idea to construct an idea as we did with the hydraulic hose manifold, would have been great to discuss with you!
I'm currently immersed in my Playmobil City International Airport Fire Department fleet using 10x3526 fire engines & 2x3525 ladder trucks in various customized & original forms, but all in different stages of refurbish procedures. BTW, would it be better to notify each other as to ideas & projects we're working on by PM to prevent duplications & possibly assist each other in design ideas? For example; Tim, Gordon, & Peter, I'm developing & constructing a hydraulic tool pump based on the 3880 portable pumps. Then we could PM each other with pics & problems during the process.