The Historical Accuracy (as I see it)
These two klickies and their rowboat form a tiny link in the Spanish chain of a gold relocation which carried on for over 200 years.
From 1566 to 1790 treasure fleets were filled with gold, gems and other riches in ports on the Spanish Main, and sailed across the atlantic to fill the Spanish Royal coffers. They became a prime target for buccanneers, pirates, privateers and rival nations, primarily England, France, and Holland.
Naturally during that long period of time both military and civilian costumes changed a great deal, so it would be impossible to represent everything accurately. I think Playmobil have done a very good job; nobody looking at these figures should be in doubt as to what they are meant to be.
Combining these two figures with the lighthouse figures gives us five different styles to mix, and the addition of a ruff collar or changing of a hat to something contemporary to a chosen period is a small detail. The Spanish units make a great protagonist force to combat or be attacked by the pirates, and it is to be hoped that the other nations involved eventually get a couple of new sets of their own.