A short time ago on klickywelt.de I came across part numbers for some of the new fire brigade equipment. As I was especially interested in the new rescue gear I put these on my next DS order and here is the result.
The first photo shows the parts which make up the new rescue gear. Part numbers are as follows:
A: 30 20 1462 connecting handle
B: 30 20 1452 winding drum
C: 30 20 1442 frame
D: 30 08 1440 motor unit
E: 30 89 3852 hydraulic tubing (actually the same as the electric fence wire)
F: 30 20 1472 equipment handle - two of these are needed
G spreader and H cutter: 30 51 6880 - these come as a pair
All parts were available apart from the motor, but I had already worked out that this was the same as the motor from the paintsprayer compressor and had one I could use temporarily.
The "hydraulic tubing" is slotted into the connecting handle through a slot in the side and then out the end, after first tying a knot in the end of the string not being slotted through. The know then stops the string slipping out of the handle. The string for this is two strands wound together and then sealed at each end. If you cut the string, it immediately comes unwound but the ends can be sealed again by heat. The free end of the "tubing" is then slotted through a hole in then winding drum and out through a slot on the other side where is is knotted at the end to stop it slipping out.