Spain - Clickania 2009 Playmobil Exhibition - Sant FrancescClickania Montblanc - 10 to 12 October 2009CLICKANIA 2009 will last three days, from the 10 to 12 of October including, Monday being a bank holiday will be a plus.
The structure of the previous year will stay that supposed a success waited for by few and aspects will be gotten up that guarantee a greater satisfaction between the visitors.
As one became in the first edition, the City council of Montblanc has wanted to present/display the poster of Clickània, the Festival of Playmobil de Montblanc with more than four months of advance.
The poster, builds of the designer of Montblanc Xavier Iborra, follows the same line of the one of the past year.
Several clicks of Playmobil are combined with the silhouette of Montblanc.
The past year monuments of the town were seen and this year protagonism is for the old church of Sant Francesc, place of celebration of the festival.
Clickània 2009 is predicted that it lasts of three days, of the 10 to 12 of October, being useful that Monday will be festive.
The structure of the previous year will stay that supposed a success waited for by few and aspects will be gotten up that guarantee a greater satisfaction between the visitors. Clickània was able to attract a basically young and familiar public.
In the measurement of the possibilities, the festival will be tried to adapt to its needs. Restaurants and commerce expressed their satisfaction by the impact of the event and this year is hoped to be able to reedit the success.
The City council of Montblanc organizes this event with the Tourism Office and counts on the participation of the SomosClicks association of collectors of Playmobil and the youthful association montblanquina Barjaula.
The presentation of the poster agrees with the creation of a group in Facebook to promote the festival of Playmobil de Montblanc.
Antique Church de Sant Francesc
Montblanc (Conca de Barberà)
Entitat organitzadora
Ajuntament de Montblanc, Tourism Office, a/e: i tel. 977 861733.