Author Topic: Help with L shaped Mansion  (Read 7230 times)

Offline Emma.J

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Re: Help with L shaped Mansion
« Reply #10 on: August 31, 2009, 17:06:36 »
Thanks everyone for the advice  :wave:
I've been back on the website and left a message on their guestbook. It's part of website, but when I went on there nothing was working so I don't think anyone is involved with the site at the moment.
I shall just have to be brave with the saw and some glue  ???

Also has anyone had any sucess painting the rubber seats on furniture and cars? If so whats best? I've tried a primer first and it's not brillant. I'll be glad of any help.

Lot's of thanks to all, Emma.
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Re: Help with L shaped Mansion
« Reply #11 on: August 31, 2009, 18:08:36 »
I think the rubber seats are possibly a soft plastic and you can buy plastic primer at your local car accessory shop.  It's in a spray can just like car paint or primer and you apply it before priming.  It looks pretty strange when one, but in my experience works.
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Offline Andy R

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Re: Help with L shaped Mansion
« Reply #12 on: September 11, 2009, 05:16:27 »
As I understand, the Mansions stories are taller than Western and Castle sets, so it won’t work. (I vaguely remember trying it in the store in Redding, CA that carried them, and it just didn’t work.)
I shall just have to be brave with the saw and some glue  ???
Sorry.  :(Good luck. ;D
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Re: Help with L shaped Mansion
« Reply #13 on: September 11, 2009, 07:29:03 »
Thanks everyone for the advice  :wave:
I've been back on the website and left a message on their guestbook. It's part of website, but when I went on there nothing was working so I don't think anyone is involved with the site at the moment.
I shall just have to be brave with the saw and some glue  ???

Also has anyone had any sucess painting the rubber seats on furniture and cars? If so whats best? I've tried a primer first and it's not brillant. I'll be glad of any help.

Lot's of thanks to all, Emma.

I don't believe you need to cut and paste to build the same house
I haven't tried it out myself but as far I can see on the pictures, it is a way of playing with the connectors

as for painting the rubber seats : you cannot paint rubber or weak surfaces without using some tricks

first of all you need to degrease your part , just cleaning it is not enough
I suggest you put the parts two , three times in the dishwasher

Then there is the paint , when paint dries it becomes a hard surface
a hard paint on a weak underground gives the result that the paint will break afther a while

Therefor I suggest you search for a weakmaking additive to add to the paint
it takes way much longer to dry but your paint will not break anymore

Good luck
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Re: Help with L shaped Mansion
« Reply #14 on: September 11, 2009, 20:44:36 »
Thats a fabules house emma.i love it.  :wow:  :wow:

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Re: Help with L shaped Mansion
« Reply #15 on: September 12, 2009, 10:03:48 »
Hi Emma :wave:

This is very interesting as it brings such a new dimension !!!

Could you please take us through your progress with this project  :yup:?

Karim ;)
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