Author Topic: Food for thought !!! The comments left on about Playmo products  (Read 2285 times)

Offline playmovictorian

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Who might think that the above Playmo product would inspire such passion in the comments left on by Customers who purchased it !!!

Playmo "a la Sigmund Freud" for your eyes only...

The only word that comes to my mind is PRICELESS  :lol:!!!

Karim ;)

1,551 of 1,637 people found the following review helpful:
 Educational and Fun!

Thank you Playmobil for allowing me to teach my 5-year old the importance of recognizing what a failing bureaucracy in a ever growing fascist state looks like. Sometimes it's a hard lesson for kids to learn because not all pigs carry billy clubs and wear body armor. I applaud the people who created this toy for finally being hip to our changing times. Little children...
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Published 17 months ago by Zampano 

3,582 of 3,643 people found the following review helpful:
 Great lesson for the kids!

I was a little disappointed when I first bought this item, because the functionality is limited. My 5 year old son pointed out that the passenger's shoes cannot be removed. Then, we placed a deadly fingernail file underneath the passenger's scarf, and neither the detector doorway nor the security wand picked it up. My son said "that's the worst security ever!". But...
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Published on September 9, 2005 by loosenut 

   177 of 183 people found the following review helpful:   Changed My Life, August 10, 2008
By  prd "noname" (Poulsbo, WA) - See all my reviews

Durability: Fun: Educational: 
I will never need to buy toothpaste again thanks to Playmobil. Not realizing this was a toy I purchased it to prepare for my interview as a TSA agent. Needless to say I aced it and have been happily viewing xrays of carry-on luggage and shoes ever since. As noted above, the free toothpaste is just icing on the cake - never expected a free lifetime supply, but who's complaining. This is a "must-have" for any aspiring TSA agent out there. Help other customers find the most helpful reviews   

   249 of 264 people found the following review helpful:  
Great at teaching the youngsters how to behave in a police state, March 15, 2008
By  Gwen P. (Douglassville, PA, USA) - See all my reviews

What better way to teach the next generation how to behave in a police state then with a toy such as this? I'm really hoping that they come out with a toy in which the kids can play "interregator". Think of all the fun the little folks can have waterboarding those who "hate our freedom". Help other customers find the most helpful reviews   

   168 of 187 people found the following review helpful:
 Ministry of Truth scores a big one!, March 14, 2008
By  Delia (Eugene, OR) - See all my reviews

Wow! So much better than playing school or house for brainwashing---I mean, acclimatizing today's tots to the realities of the Global War on Terror. I especially appreciated the enclosed signed photo of Michael Chertoff and his letter explaining how necessary it is to start educating today's youth early with toys like these, especially as their elders just don't seem to be taking the whole thing seriously, what with posting snarky reviews on Amazon and all, and it's going to take a while to get KBR's re-education camps in Nevada up and running properly. I know my little four year-old grandson was really impressed with this set. He's now so scared it's undone a whole year of potty training and he's now wetting his pants about five times a day. He's back to playing with his old set of wooden blocks Melissa and Doug 100 Piece Wood Blocks Set and crying "Make the bad man stop, Mommy!" Last week he saw Mr. Chertoff talking about terrorists on his parents' fancy new plasma TV and he threw first the Playmobil set, which didn't do much damage, and then the wooden blocks, at the TV, which cracked the screen. His dad, who worked at Countrywide Finance, was just laid off, so it looks like they won't be getting a replacement plasma TV. I'm taking the broken TV, the Playmobil set, and the photo of Michael Chertoff to the toxic waste dump tomorrow. I have an old black and white set and pair of rabbit ears in my attic which I will loan them. Perhaps it's better this way.

   144 of 166 people found the following review helpful:
 Holding out for Guantanemo Playset, March 14, 2008
By  Ann, a reader "Ann, a fan." (NY) - See all my reviews

This is just a sop to the authoritarians among us. I am holding out for the release of the Guantanemo Playset. Hopefully this will come with an extrordinary rendition option. 

« Last Edit: August 12, 2009, 16:54:32 by playmovictorian »
La, tout n'est qu'ordre et beaute, luxe, calme et volupte. L'Invitation au Voyage. Charles Baudelaire.1857.

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  80 of 100 people found the following review helpful:  
A Wonderfull learning tool..., March 13, 2008
By  Kip D. Winter - See all my reviews

Durability: Fun: Educational: 
I've heard that they were going to publish a coupon and code, to allow us to buy this for $9.11, they're just waiting for the economy to drop a little more then it currently is. Its a marketing thing I know... In addition they plan on offering a collectors verision that will have the metal detector painted GOLD, though the'll have to use lead based paint because its cost effective. I love toys :-) Help other customers find the most helpful reviews   

   85 of 100 people found the following review helpful:
 Comes with extras!!, March 13, 2008
By  William Ambrico "Thomas Jefferson" (Monicello) - See all my reviews

Durability: Fun: Educational: 
I heard this also comes with tiny sets of latex gloves for the security guards!

   42 of 62 people found the following review helpful:
 Accessories from playmobil , March 9, 2008
By  K. B. Husain - See all my reviews

Durability: Fun: Educational: 
Additional accessories include the Safe-Cracker and Jail from playmobil.
I kid you not...: Search for playmobil and Jail on amazon's site. They are there. Read the reviews on the jail one ;-)

If you decide to get a "better" item, search for "Pimp Costume" for kids?!? Arrgh!! It's there too!!
Who dreams up this stuff? What are we teaching our kids here?

   324 of 337 people found the following review helpful:
 Teaching Respect for the State Security Apparatus, March 9, 2008
By  Gen. JC Christian, patriot (Tremonton, UT United States) - See all my reviews

Durability: Fun: Educational: 
I like the basic idea. I applaud Playmobile for attempting to provide us with the tools we need to teach our children to unquestioningly obey the commands of the State Security Apparatus, but unfortunately, this product falls short of doing that. There's no brown figure for little Josh to profile, taser, and detain? Where are all the frightened plastic Heartlanders pointing at the brown figure as they whisper "terrorist?" Where are the hippy couple figures being denied boarding passes? And shouldn't someone be forcing a mother figure to drink her own breast milk?

   191 of 204 people found the following review helpful:
 Missing minority customer, March 8, 2008
By  R. Juliano "R. Juliano" (New Jersey, USA) - See all my reviews

Durability: Fun: Educational: 
When I bought this toy, I was looking forward to placing my minority-action figure through the metal detector, and then running the little script I prepared: "Excuse me sir, but you have been 'randomnly' selected for additional scans. Please let us take a sample from your shoe while the computer analyzes findings for any radioactive or biohazardous material".

It's too bad that they never came out with the "Pat-Down" edition, where fat guards are groping women for weapons, and turning customers away who refuse the degrading method of search.

My only suggestion is that if this is based on the John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York, please don't forget to include the bums who torment you for spare change. Thanks!

 74 of 91 people found the following review helpful:  
Sokay, March 7, 2008
By  Tiburon "D" (Colorado Springs) - See all my reviews

Durability: Fun: Educational: 
This TOY IS GREAT! But there are some things that should be added make it more realistic. I'd like to see some diversity in one of the guards and perhaps the other guard could have some drool dripping from it's lip to reflect the extremely low IQ needed to obtain this type of position. Also, add a 80 year old woman with (remove able clothes so she may be stripped searched) and a 20 something middle eastern looking man. (no need to make his clothes remove able as we are going for realism)
   55 of 68 people found the following review helpful:   Customers who liked this product also liked - Freedom Fencing, March 7, 2008
By  Lance Goebel "Lance" (Manhattan, Illinois) - See all my reviews

Durability: Fun: Educational: 
After your passenger spends 4 hours getting past airport security ("I Love Freedom" T-shirt draws extra attention from security) you can have your character attend a George Bush rally from behind the 1st amendment barbed wire fencing 3 miles from Bush's appearance where your character will be maced and beaten for being there. Then, to complete the trifecta of freedom your character can travel to the U.S.- Mexico border and help build the border fence while patrolling for hordes of brown skinned devils trying to sneak into our country and cut our grass.
   46 of 55 people found the following review helpful:
 A must-have addition., March 7, 2008
By  M. Swift - See all my reviews

Durability: Fun: Educational: 
I here Playmobil is coming out with a waterboarding torture set. I think I'll wait for that and buy them together to save on shipping.
   136 of 145 people found the following review helpful:
 Thank you Playmobil, March 7, 2008
By  YA (SAN DIEGO, CA) - See all my reviews

Durability: Fun: Educational: 
Finally a toy that gets our kids used to living in a police state. Benjamin Franklin said that those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. But then again, he lived in France for awhile, so what did he know about anything.

Before this toy came out I was afraid my son would not know how to cope with the new reality of American life; how to prepare him to the future, I was wondering. Boy am I relieved; so many lessons learned! Now he knows that:
1) Some people can make a decent living treating others like cattle, and the best part: the cattle is paying their salaries.
2) You only have the rights that the government gives you; you can move around the country only if you comply with government regulations, no matter how frivolous they might be. No liquid you say? except if in a ziplock bag? Check. Lighter ok because the cigarette lobby fought the no-lighter rule? Swell. All passengers searched but cargo mostly un-scrutinized? No problem.
3) You should always bow to people in uniforms, even though they might be in this job because they could not qualify for police work (because of the rap sheet or the drug abuse).

Unfortunately, this toy comes short in a few areas:
1) It does not show that if you're rich, you don't have to wait in line for hours. If you can travel first class, you get your own fast-track screening. Too bad the terr'ists have plenty of Saudi and Pakistani cash and can easily travel first class should they want to. They should have included another screening set in the box.
2) It does not come with the 300 tired-looking playmobils you would need to show the passengers waiting in line behind the screening area.

However, it does some things very well: for instance, the screening apparatus is not actually functional. This represents faithfully the actual TSA system, which, every time it is tested or audited, fails to catch anything (weapons, even bombs).

So, thank you Playmobil. I hope they will expand their product offering and give us more toys that can help our children prepare for the new reality of a much safer America; specifically, I am eagerly waiting for the Staline-style Guantanamo American gulag set, the North-Korean-style CIA water-boarding set, the KGB-style NSA phone-tapping set. Some people will whine about the loss of their civil liberties, but my son knows that the North-Korean are some of the safest people in the world. They had virtually no fear of terrorists.

   101 of 111 people found the following review helpful:
 Fun for kids and terrorists!, March 7, 2008
By  gitmo cowboy "still not terrorized" (Alaska) - See all my reviews

Durability: Fun: Educational: 
When we first set it up we tried it with my daughters African American Magic Jewel Ken Doll and Barbie Princess of the Nile Doll but they were pulled out of line before the security checkpoint and taken to a back room for "processing."

We haven't seen them since but received a phone call from a buddy at the state department: something about "extraordinary rendition." I hope they make it home it time for the holidays.

Thanks Playmobil!!!
   53 of 62 people found the following review helpful:
 Because You Can Never Be Too Safe, March 7, 2008
By  Leon Trollski (Calgary, AB Canada) - See all my reviews

Durability: Fun: Educational: 
I want to thank Playmobil for adding Item 11 to "How To Tell if Your Country is Turning Fascist". Now we can add "pro-authoritarian propaganda showing up as children's toys" to the list. I'm sure 1930's Germany had Nazi propaganda bombarding children as well, right from birth.

   41 of 44 people found the following review helpful:
 Future Potential, March 7, 2008
By  MikeMc (Milwaukee,WI) - See all my reviews

Durability: Fun: Educational: 
This toy is a wonderful start but...I think expansion packs would really increase the enjoyment. Could you imagine the fun kids could have with the "Mother forced to drink bottled breast milk to prove it's not explosive" expansion, the "What do you mean I'm the No-Fly List?" and especially the "Body Cavity Search, Wait, What?" set.

   67 of 75 people found the following review helpful:
 Something is missing, March 7, 2008
By  C. Homler "NeedsMoreRitalin" (Saco, ME) - See all my reviews

Durability: Fun: Educational: 
This is a great product, but it has several shortcomings. It's a shame that Playmobil has allowed itself to be swayed by the ultra-liberal political correctness mongers. When I opened the box I was dismayed to find that all of the characters in the set are Caucasian.

We all know that only people named Muhammad, Khalil, Ahmed and Haji are selected for the random security search. I was really looking forward to my 3 year old daughter getting use from that small tube of KY jelly and that latex glove that fits the female security guard with the short-chunky hair-cut.

Also the boom box hidden in the suitcase, that has the c4 inside hooked up to a barometric altimeter doesn't work even if brought to 35,000 feet. Apparently it hasn't functioned  since Pan Am went out of business.

Lastly, buying the additional gas chromatography system, has made the toy so much more enjoyable. The only bad thing about that is that I can no longer blame my flatulence on the dog, the system is that good! 
La, tout n'est qu'ordre et beaute, luxe, calme et volupte. L'Invitation au Voyage. Charles Baudelaire.1857.

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89 of 98 people found the following review helpful:
 Valuable life lessons packaged in bright plastics, March 7, 2008
By  Omar "Abu Ahmad Jihad" - See all my reviews

Durability: Fun: Educational: 
I purchased this product (along with the Playmobile ambulance/mass casualty incident set and the Playmobile road construction set) for my five year old son. After a few hours my son asked me why our society was so keen on infringing on the civil liberties of its citizens in the name of safety and security. Like all the other five year olds whose parents purchased this product, he is precocious and wise beyond his years.
I answered that everyone still has the right to walk anywhere in this country, and that everything else is a privilege and not a right. People who voluntarily surrender their freedoms on the altar of personal convenience have no right to complain about it afterwards. My son is now well on his way to becoming an anarchist.

I wish this toy had been around when I was a child so that we might have learned important life lessons rather than the fluffy sugar-coated false utopia of Rainbow Bright and Friends.

   81 of 87 people found the following review helpful:
 A bit disappointed., March 7, 2008
By  Inchoate Film viewer "Inchoate Film viewer" (Eastern USA) - See all my reviews

Durability: Fun: Educational: 
Excitedly I tore open the package so the little ones could start playing with a model of their future. Boy were they disappointed when they tried to get the "passenger" through the detector but he was pulled aside because he is on the "No-Fly List". I don't see the point of a toy you are not even allowed to play with.
   107 of 115 people found the following review helpful:  
European Security only, March 5, 2008
By  Colin Principe "The Dude" (Lowell, MA, USA) - See all my reviews

Durability: Fun: Educational: 
I think the issue here is that Playmobil is a European-based company, where they don't believe in destroying their citizens' souls just because they choose to fly compared to other forms of travel.

A US-themed version however would need significant expansion
- 200 more "customers" to line up behind the security checkpoint
- some of the customers need to be business travellers who wait until the last minute to begin loading their bins and devote one bin each to their laptops, blackberries, cell phones, keys, etc etc etc
- other customers must have huge American flag t-shirts and look perfectly willing to experience this process
- extra guards to bellow instructions to the customers in line
- the ubiquitous plastic bags and bins for putting everything through X-ray
- there should be extra airport security on hand for when a "troublemaker" questions the arbitrary nature of the screenings

However, Playmobil has always been a company willing to allow you to build your sets at your own pace, so hopefully soon they will be coming out with various accessory packs to enhance this set up to a full-on American flight experience.

   14 of 25 people found the following review helpful:
 Our "Security Times", March 4, 2008
By  Richard Needham "riorick" (Harrisburg, PA) - See all my reviews

Durability: Fun: Educational: 
Unfortunately, this "toy" is a function of our "government" - or lack thereof ... one reviewer wrote that he was disappointed that the shoes were not removable ... how about "strip searches" ... Barbie allows it! My grandson thanks President Bush for this toy!

   22 of 34 people found the following review helpful:
 New Idea for Toy, March 2, 2008
By  Fred Smoller (Orange, CA USA) - See all my reviews

Durability: Fun: Educational: 
How about a lethal injection table? Kids can practice putting "just the right amount of" chemicals into the convicted man?

   32 of 245 people found the following review helpful:
 Helping Our Children Deal With Reality, March 1, 2008
By  John P Bernat (Kingsport, TN USA) - See all my reviews

Durability: Fun: Educational: 
Like most people, I hate airport security. I hate the fact that we "have to do" this.

That said, the people at the security checkpoints are not to blame for the world conditions that created their jobs. If this toy helps young air travelers be a little less apprehensive, and less "difficult" in passing through these stations, then so much the better.

Both my children attend Virginia Tech. In light of the events of the past year, I am actually very grateful that their campus administrators decided not to take a approach like this. Today my kids can live in the dorms, attend class, and try to learn in an atmosphere that is not oppressive.

However, if something like this, in some probative way, helped to keep either one of them alive, I'd favor them getting regular full cavity searches.

Also, I fly almost every week. I am kind and cooperative with the TSA gate personnel, because they're just doing their jobs. Does that make them (or me) "good brownshirts?" Does mouthing off to TSA personnel strike a blow for liberty (to borrow Harry Truman's phrase)?

Our constitution tries to protect life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Is the relative order of those words an accident? Life comes first.

Order me two of these little items... 

   1,048 of 1,098 people found the following review helpful:
 Serious Security Breach, February 29, 2008
By  W. C. Isbell "roxybeast" (Oklahoma City, OK, USA) - See all my reviews

Durability: Fun: Educational: 
My family was planning a vacation to Europe, so I purchased this item to teach my twins about what to expect at the airport and hopefully, alleviate some of their anxiety. We also downloaded the actual TSA security checklist from the American Airlines website and then proceeded with our demonstration. Well, first we had to round up a Barbie and a few Bratz dolls to play the other family members, so that cost us a few extra bucks at the Dollar General and it is aggravating that the manufacturer did not make this product "family-friendly." Of course, since the playmobil Dad could not remove his shoes or other clothing items, unlike the Barbie, the playmobil security agent became suspicious and after waving her wand wildy a few dozen times, called her supervisor to wisk the Dad into a special body-cavity search room, (which incidentally led to quite an embarasing and interesting discussion with my twin daughters about personal hygiene and a slight adjustment to the rules we had them memorize about touching by strangers). But worst of all, since the suitcase did not actually open, the baggage inspector made a call to the FBI and ATF bomb squads which then segregated the family's suitcase (which btw was the only suitcase they provided for our educational family experience) and according to the advanced TSA regulations, had to blow it up, (since they could not otherwise mutilate the luggage, break off the locks and put one of those nice little advisory stickers on it), which we had to simulate out in the backyard with a few M-80s and other fireworks. The girls started crying. They became so hysterical by the whole experience that we could not even get them in the car when the time came to actually take our trip, and so we had to cancel the whole thing at the last minute, losing over $7,000 in airfare and hotel charges that we could not recoup do to the last minute cancellations. We've now spent an additional $3,000 to pay for the girls therapy and medication over the past year since this incident occurred, and the psychologists have told us that this will affect them for life, so much for their college fund and our retirement. Then, to top it all off, when we tried to use to playmobil phone to call the company to ask for reimbursement, as you might expect, of course the damn thing didn't even work; neither did our efforts to e-mail them using the computer screen on the baggage checkpoint; and our real-life efforts to contact them to obtain re-imbursement have also likewise been ignored. Worse yet, we had the product tested and found out that it was positive for both lead paint and toxic chemicals, having been manufactured in China by workers holding formerly American jobs, so now we all have cancer and have been given only another year or so to live. My advice - educating your kids about airport security with this toy may actually be more harmful to them than just packing them in the damn luggage with some bottled water & hoping they survive. :)

   91 of 113 people found the following review helpful:  
Needs a Water Boarding Option, February 29, 2008
By  Bruce Gladstone "beglad" (Los Angeles, CA USA) - See all my reviews

Now that John McCain has decided that Water Boarding (that terrific technique invented by the Spanish Inquisition) is OK in some circumstances it should be added as an option to this Toy. How is the next generation going to learn the benefits and techniques of torture if some of the better torture options aren't made available to them?

   183 of 207 people found the following review helpful:  
Disturbing Security Breach, February 29, 2008
By  T. Phillabaum "Security Consultant" (LA, CA United States) - See all my reviews

Durability: Fun: Educational: 
While I'm sure your child will love this do we really want to reveal our security secrets to the terrorists? I bet al-Qaeda is training the next generation with this very product. I am saddened to learn that Playmobile hates America. 

   19 of 25 people found the following review helpful:
 This is just the start of an amazing trend, February 28, 2008
By  PeterC@AWS "rare reviewer" (Seattle, WA) - See all my reviews

Durability: Fun: Educational: 
While this toy captures all the realism of the perennial airport security checkpoint, I can't wait until they release the 'virtual border fence' set or the 'harsh interrogation method' starter kit.  Comment 


   19 of 35 people found the following review helpful:
 Goes well with....., February 28, 2008
By  8string "8string" (Petaluma, CA) - See all my reviews

Durability: Fun: Educational: 
This toy goes very well with the other playmobil "political action figure" sets:

Playmobil Abortion Clinic
Playmobil Waterboard Funhouse
Playmobil Non Lethal Weapon Riot Police

And of course the companion to this set:
Playmobil Body Cavity Search

   20 of 24 people found the following review helpful:
 All I can say is WOW!!, February 28, 2008
By  David C. Evertsen "Just the Cook" (Orlando, FL) - See all my reviews

Durability: Fun: Educational: 
This is the perfect playset, I can't wait till it comes back in stock. I am also ordering the 4 additional security screeners standing around to make it 100% authentic.. Thanks PlayMobil 


La, tout n'est qu'ordre et beaute, luxe, calme et volupte. L'Invitation au Voyage. Charles Baudelaire.1857.

Offline CountBogro

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mmm - these aren't priceless - these are sad comments.
All of them comment more on current affairs then on the toy itself.
And even those are purely on a American point of view...

very sad if the only place where they can vent their frustrations is a review site for toys  ::)

But that's just my own thoughts on it.

... and then dusk came and brought despair.

Offline Sylvia

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I've read these before and also the countless web blogs made on the subject of the Security Checkpoint set.

Some of them are clever, but overall I find them distasteful and the people who write them annoying. Don't they have anything original to say, and if not, surely they have something better to do with their time? ::)

If these ignoramuses were at all aware about the toy they were supposedly reviewing, they would see that it fits in perfectly with the other Airport-themed sets. The realistic features are in no way unusual when compared to the hundreds of other highly detailed sets produced by Playmobil. Just look at all the technical equipment produced for the hospital sets, for example.

Offline Klickus Mobilius

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Thank you, Sylvia and CountBogro.  You voice my sentiments exactly!  These people really need to get a life.  Playmobil is supposed to bring joy and delight.  They are missing the point.   ::)

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Hi Guys :wave:

I totall agree with you on the fact that these comments are out place when it comes to reviewing what is ultimately a toy  :lol:!!!

What is amazing is these are only two pages out of 6 posted on and one really wonder where the world is heading to if a toy can generate such passion and out of proportion comments as unlike ourselves, these people purchased this set for their kids and not for themselves and a child will most of the time look at it in the first degree...My Mum for instance would have only seen in it one of the mandatory / boring procedures that are part of the flight delight - is there anything such as a flight delight ? - and I would have certainly been much more interested in the flight boarding and taking off than reflecting upon the deep implications of such device in our Society :lol: !!!

This is the world upside down and I hope that, just like me, you took it in the second degree as it is ultimately all it deserves...

If I was to leave a review on a toy, I would try to drop my Playmovictorian persona and focus only on the quality of the toy including the attention to details and built, its presentation, how easy it is to assemble, eventually its price, the fact that there are not little elements that can be easily lost as it often happens with Lego, and the playable qualities of the toy when it comes to my child...I would have expected certain parents criticizing the fact that this set should have been included in the main airport set to reduce expenses, etc.

I used the word priceless in a sarcastic way and I firmly believe that these adults should definitely get out more and enjoy life instead of elaborating theories about "real world current issues"when looking at a toy...a lot of future patients for the modern Dr Freuds  :yup:!!!

This was posted as an illustration of the sometimes sad sad world in which we live in and I was stunned by the number of comments that do not relate to the toy but what it represents - hence my reference to dear Ol' Dr Freud  :yup:...

I do not even want to think about the personal vandetta I would been the object should have I sold my dioramas on  :lol:!!! What ?!? Chanting the glory of the 19th rigid class system with a bunch of happy little Victorian celebrating on a 24/7 basis !!! Surely death threats and even worst :o....Thanks God there are still civilised, well intended, tolerant places like Playmofriends where intelligence and sense of humour are still in fashion   ;)!!!

Karim ;)
« Last Edit: August 12, 2009, 17:06:50 by playmovictorian »
La, tout n'est qu'ordre et beaute, luxe, calme et volupte. L'Invitation au Voyage. Charles Baudelaire.1857.

Offline Indianna

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. . . Thanks God there are still civilised, well intended, tolerant places like Playmofriends where intelligence and sense of humour are still in fashion   ;)!!!

Well said, Karim!   :yup:

I have to admit, though, that I find some of those comments amusing.   :-[ 
Unfortunately, there are always some people who just take it too far.   :hmm:
U.S.A.      Massachusetts