thanks every one for answering my questions its great to know what you all think.
From Tim,
If on the rare occasion I do recreate someones 'custom' I ALLWAYS give them credit, without fail. Its a sort of gentlemans agreement that I like to stick to .
On a final note I feel its worth mentioning that I never pass off any of my creations as Playmobil and I would never try to sell them on Ebay either as custom's or original Playmobil. Customising for me is a challenge, its being able to make unique things that interest me out of the toy I love
I think what you've said about giving the original idea thinkers credit for a new build is very nice, but I didnt think I'd let it put me off having ago unless of course they done it so well it puts you right off trying - as you cant improve on perfection.
I'm not a proper customise as you and many others on here are so what would you all feel like if someone tried to copy your idea? Would you be flattered that you had inspired them, or just a bit miffed they'd taken your idea themselves?
I mention this as Tim says he wouldn't sell his custom work would anyone?
When I first saw MacGayvers site and his custom ships and cars then saw the Wolfsberg pics I'd have loved to have bought some for my collection ( ;)sorry for keep mentioning Mac's work as its the only site I found apart from the garden wargamers one and I've followed his work for years).
If people like me who'd seen the great work all you customizers do but have only recently come to collect playmobil didn't try to copy everyone else's designs how could we get a chance at owning such wonderfull things?
But saying that I don't blame anyone for not parting with it, I had a go at doing a ship and I'll be the first to admit its not that good but I had so much fun and I did learn from it that I don't think I'd really want to sell it. Its a labour of love.
So I understand what you mean about customising for the love of it , I don't do cars and figures but the amount of times I've rebuilt the Victorian Mansion and the Palace is too often to think about. I love trying to come up with better shapes bigger rooms more of them, what would be the best way of fitting everything in Id want.
On that note I have seen a fab house with wings coming out from the front of the house called Rivermead Manor is the builder a member of this site because I'd love to know how they've done it . The only way I could see was to cut down the bases and alter the corner joints. Has any one else done this? I've a design in mind for a super giant mansion with a ball room and servants quarters etc and I'm trying to see how best to make an "L" shaped floor.