Author Topic: Ever wanted to see how our Smiling Friends where assembled ?  (Read 3939 times)

Offline playmovictorian

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Here is a short video on how they come to life...

Karim ;)
La, tout n'est qu'ordre et beaute, luxe, calme et volupte. L'Invitation au Voyage. Charles Baudelaire.1857.

Offline Miguel

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Re: Ever wanted to see how our Smiling Friends where assembled ?
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2009, 09:32:36 »

thanks a lot for the video!  :)

It even brought me a feeling of Johnny Depp's movie "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory", but instead of chocolate, it was with Playmos...  ::)

Offline Jimbo

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Re: Ever wanted to see how our Smiling Friends where assembled ?
« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2009, 12:43:52 »
Thanks, Karim,

Neat video! :yup:

Best regards,

Offline Bill Blackhurst

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Re: Ever wanted to see how our Smiling Friends where assembled ?
« Reply #3 on: July 15, 2009, 16:03:26 »
WOW  :o! I wish I worked there  :yup:! Great employment opportunity video Karim  :)9!
  Forget about all of the other stuff,....all we need is the reintroduction of the 3526 Fire Engine!

Offline Gepetto

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Re: Ever wanted to see how our Smiling Friends where assembled ?
« Reply #4 on: July 15, 2009, 18:02:54 »
Thanks for the video Karim, I love to see how things are made. Especially things I like!


Offline LHAAP

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Re: Ever wanted to see how our Smiling Friends where assembled ?
« Reply #5 on: July 15, 2009, 19:36:30 »
Thank you Karim :)9 Wonderful to see how these figures are made.

Offline Walts-Trains

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Re: Ever wanted to see how our Smiling Friends where assembled ?
« Reply #6 on: July 15, 2009, 20:42:37 »
If you go to Malta you can go round the factory and see them being made.

Offline kaethe

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Re: Ever wanted to see how our Smiling Friends where assembled ?
« Reply #7 on: July 16, 2009, 04:27:46 »
another thank you to you karim.  where do you find the time to find all of these?

Offline playmovictorian

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Re: Ever wanted to see how our Smiling Friends where assembled ?
« Reply #8 on: July 17, 2009, 11:36:24 »
More on the PM Malta's factory with a Swedish schooltrip tour of the factory related by their Headteacher in 1997 hence the reference to manual assembling...

The visit to the Playmobil factory.

3EA's visit to the Playmobil factory,

On Tuesday we went to Zejtun where the Playmobilfactory is. Playmobil is a part of the Brandstätter group. We arrived at nine p.m. outside Playmobil. There we was met by an engineer. He gave us a short briefing of what we were going to see and a little warning that we had to stay behind the yellow lines. The factory was separated in two buildings, something that was not so good, because then they had to transport things between the buildings. This because the production has been larger and larger, and the area of the factory had grown, the area of the factory is now 22 000 squared meters, compared in the beginning it was only 2500 squared meters. But now they had planners to build more, so all the buildings got together again.

The first we start watching was how they made the forms for the toys. This hall was in a building a few meters away from the mainbuilding. The whole production start when they receive a drawing from Germany. This drawing they draw again with a computer, the drawing program was autocad. This drawing was then transferred over to a machine that cut the pieces for the form. When all the pieces was made, they were put together manually. Afterwards we walked to a production locale were the forms were put into machines that pushed the forms together and fill them with plastic. some of the forms were so advanced that they could make two pieces with different colours, but they also had one bigger that could handle three different pieces with different colours an put the pieces together. After the melting it was still some plastic left. This pieces was transported to a room were they cut the pieces together so they could be reused.

Afterwards we walked to the main building again to see how they put the pieces together. This part of the process was not automatic. The cause the packagesection not was automatic was that many people needed work. Some of the pieces was just putted into bags and packed. This because many people likes to build the things together them selves.

At last we went to the section that paint the plastic figures. Most of the painting process was automized. Here it was a smell of alcohol and de people that worked here was not using any kind of protection.

The Playmobil factory at Malta has about 750 workers and they had some more on offices around the world.

We also got the chance to purchase some of the items produced in the factory, and of course we couldn't miss that oportunity!

Playmobil's cool!

One thing that was kind of sad was that some of the places was so small and noisy that the entire class didn't get to hear what our guide said

We said thanks for the tour and gave him a small gift, a special glas from our town, the Trondheim glas. Afterwards some of us went to the beach and others on a boat trip.

We'd like to thank Playmobil for a nice tour of their factory!

La, tout n'est qu'ordre et beaute, luxe, calme et volupte. L'Invitation au Voyage. Charles Baudelaire.1857.

Offline playmovictorian

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Re: Ever wanted to see how our Smiling Friends where assembled ?
« Reply #9 on: July 17, 2009, 11:57:20 »
Malta's PM Factory...a short introduction story :

Or shall I say : "Success story"
Playmobil Malta Ltd. is the biggest 100% German and private subsidiary, of Brandstätter Group- Malta. The mother company, Geobra Brandstätter GmbH & Co, Kg, based near Nuremberg in German is the creator and manufacturer of the famous Playmobil toy system. Geobra Brandstätter has a long history which began in 1876, and the company has always belonged to the same family.
Growth has not stopped since. -At the beginning of the 60s, Geobra Brandstätter was producing record players, communications systems, fibre glass boats, petrol tanks and water skis. Confronted with increasing cost prices at the beginning of the 70s, the company decided to open a first factory on Malta. The Playmobil toy system appeared for the first time in 1974 at the International Toy Fair in Nuremberg.
The success was immediate and has been maintained until the present day. Geobra Brandstätter has become the most prosperous toy manufacturer in Germany, with a consolidated turnover in 2001 of 292.9 million Euros and a payroll of 2,318 personnel of which 1,257 in Germany. Production is today spread between Germany, Spain and Malta.
Brandt International Ltd. started its production on Malta in 1972 manufacturing toy telephones and record players. Playmobil production on the island started in 1976. At the start, only the famous Playmobil figures, whose manufacture necessitated the use of large numbers of staff, were produced on Malta. Today, Playmobil Malta Ltd. produces toys, timers, software and steel models.

In 2003, the group moved into a new 38,000 m2 factory, where 150 injection moulding machines are installed with a sophisticated system of printing and packaging processes. It is the largest factory in the plastics sector on Malta, producing around 50 millions smiling plastic figures per annum. The Maltese unit employs 700 highly specialised staff and exports goods worth 65 million euros per annum, essentially to Europe, the USA and Canada. 
La, tout n'est qu'ordre et beaute, luxe, calme et volupte. L'Invitation au Voyage. Charles Baudelaire.1857.