There goes Karim who apparently missed a few trains and is trying to catch up...
So the Wofsburg exhibition is hold every year ?
Could you possibly add the links to your previous exhibitions as I could spend hours looking at them it details with a glass of Merlot or a cuppa - depending of the time of the day ?
Thank you so much for sharing your amazing works with us !!!
I would say ,check out my site
macgayverplaymobilthere are so many pictures you can get drunk every evening
as for Wolfsburg , that exhibition is held in Wolfsburg the city of Volkswagen ,Germany
It is an event organised by a couple , supported by their family and playmo lovers
it is the biggest playmo-event in Germany
There is no current date for next year yet
the location will be different too , as the congresspark where it was held has become too expensive
as soon I have more info I'll post it here on PMF anyway
If you try the search button for wolfsburg on PMF you'll find more info
as I kept playmofriends up to date regarding the event during the years
Also other members posted regarding Wolfsburg
have fun and enjoy
all the best