BTW Richard, Rusty's beautiful
Beautiful dog, Richard! What kind is he?
Bill and
KM, Rusty thanks you both for your generous compliments!
Rusty is an "island dog" who "found" us when he was just a little over a year old.
He was hungry, covered with fleas and a trip to the vet told us that he had heartworms. Fortunately, we caught the heartworms early and he was young and strong even though he hadn't eaten for awhile.
He's a real wanderer. Everybody knows him and he likes everybody. He loves to go on walks. He'll join any of our neighbors who are out walking for their daily exercise.
There's an island pub just down the hill. When Rusty is making his rounds, he usually stops by to say hello to all of his human friends. Occasionally, one of his many human friends will take him for a ride in an open Jeep (which is one of his favorite things to do) and bring him home.
Are we afraid of losing him? Nope! He always finds his way home. Also, the island of St.Thomas is only about 13 miles long. So, where is he going to go?
Rusty is a very happy dog!
BTW, an "island dog" is a mixture of the many breeds that have been introduced to the islands since the early colonial days. So, Rusty has a heritage that goes back for several hundred years.
Thanks for your comments and all the best,