Author Topic: Official Playmobil Customizing Rules !!  (Read 17857 times)

Offline Customizer

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Official Playmobil Customizing Rules !!
« on: May 27, 2009, 19:38:11 »
Hi Pf,

after the war with Mr. Bomhard about playmobibel ->
Playmobl make the rules for Playmobil customizing !!



Theres no more Handkiss in the Future !!  :'(

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Offline Klickus Mobilius

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Re: Official Playmobil Customizing Rules !!
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2009, 21:49:23 »
Thanks for the link, Andi.

The Babel Fish translation into English is a bit awkward, but here is how I interpret it:

The first three paragraphs don't address customization directly but are more general guidelines restating their overall philisophy.

Starting with paragraph four, geobra differentiates between customization for private vs. public use.

For private use, geobra is tolerant of customizations by its largely adult collectors as long as such customization does not threaten geobra's economic interests.

For public use, geobra makes a differentiation based on whether the target group is adults or children.  If the target group is adults, geobra has no problem with customization.  They cite as an example some late night television show which presumably uses customized Playmobil figures (late night being legally defined as after 20:00 or 8:00pm).

If, however, the target group might include children, then any customizations which involve techniques which could cause physical harm to children will not be tolerated.  Some examples they cite include:  heating the Playmobil figures whether by use of fire or electrical devices; customizing using sharp or pointed parts; using hammers or nails to do the customizing; and using unsafe lacquers or paints.  The examples they mention are just examples and is not to be construed as an all-inclusive list.

Does anyone have a different interpretation?  I had to read through this a few times, and there are some sentences which still confuse me.  I'm sure it lost a lot in the Babel Fish translation.

Offline Richard

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Re: Official Playmobil Customizing Rules !!
« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2009, 01:20:17 »

Hi Pf,

after the war with Mr. Bomhard about playmobibel ->
Playmobl make the rules for Playmobil customizing !!



Theres no more Handkiss in the Future !!  :'(

world greets


Geobra's Customizing rules?

Excuse me! Did I read correctly that Geobra is suggesting that they are going to dictate what we can, or cannot do, with our Klickys that we have have bought and paid for?

Hmmm ... Wait a minute, this might not be so bad after all.

Let's say that we all agree to follow Geobra's customizing rules.

In exchange, what is Geobra offering to do for us?

Perhaps they are going to give us special discounted prices on the parts that we would like to have to customize our figures and follow their guidelines?

Perhaps they are actually going to stock and have ALL the parts available at a special discounted price that we would like to have to customize our figures and follow their guidelines?

Perhaps they might even create some new parts at a special discounted price that we would like to have to customize our figures and follow their guidelines?

That seems like a fair trade to me.

What do the rest of you think?

All the best,

Offline Bill Blackhurst

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Re: Official Playmobil Customizing Rules !!
« Reply #3 on: May 28, 2009, 02:36:28 »
I have a similar opinion on this matter, Richard. I don't like Playmobil dictating what I do with the collection I have spent my hard earned money on! However, Playmobil stands on the right to protect their world known figures, with their addictive smiles from being associated with discriminatory agendas, & causing unsavory views with their toys attached to the middle of a controversy. They still believe in protecting children which is a novel act in itself, & telling collectors they respect them, but to protect the interests of children's innocence in their customs contributions. It's a 2 edge sword that cuts both ways. Playmobil will never offer collectors consessions for complying to their "CUSTOMIZING RULES", but if we color outside of the lines they are certain to use the platform we are violating children's innocence as a guilt tactic to make us conform! It is a difficult topic to find a fair side to give loyalty to. I like to do small custom procedures to my collection, & will continue to do them, but none that are considered offensive. I do not support people who do severe radically offensive figure changes to the figures themselves that may make parents uneasy to show their children.
  Forget about all of the other stuff,....all we need is the reintroduction of the 3526 Fire Engine!

Offline Richard

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Re: Official Playmobil Customizing Rules !!
« Reply #4 on: May 28, 2009, 03:23:06 »

I have a similar opinion on this matter, Richard. I don't like Playmobil dictating what I do with the collection I have spent my hard earned money on!

Hear, hear !!!

However, Playmobil stands on the right to protect their world known figures, with their addictive smiles from being associated with discriminatory agendas, & causing unsavory views with their toys attached to the middle of a controversy.

Bill, whenever any manufacturer, artist, educator, lecturer, etc. makes a presentation of an historical nature to any audience, there is almost always the danger of stirring controversy.

Brian (from Malta) posted photos, here at Playmofriends, of a controversial diorama that he had created.

All he did was illustrate an historical event using Playmobil figures.

With little effort (and using uncustomized Playmobil figures), I'm sure that both of us can think of several historical events that might cause discomfort for some people.

They (Geobra) still believe in protecting children which is a novel act in itself, & telling collectors they respect them, but to protect the interests of children's innocence in their customs contributions. It's a 2 edge sword that cuts both ways.

It is indeed, Bill. And, also a bit naive of Geobra to think that they can "protect" children if that is actually their real intent. Children are bombarded every day with unfiltered information. Perhaps, Geobra's real intent is to protect their image for parents and grandparents, so that they'll buy more Playmobil for their children. (I'm such a cynic.)

Playmobil will never offer collectors consessions for complying to their "CUSTOMIZING RULES" ...

Never say never, Bill ... ;)

It is a difficult topic to find a fair side to give loyalty to.

All we need to be is loyal to ourselves, our family and our friends!

I like to do small custom procedures to my collection, & will continue to do them, but none that are considered offensive. I do not support people who do severe radically offensive figure changes to the figures themselves that may make parents uneasy to show their children.


Offline Bill Blackhurst

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Re: Official Playmobil Customizing Rules !!
« Reply #5 on: May 28, 2009, 03:45:49 »
Richard, in regards to "NEVER", the day that Playmobil will come to me, & say, Mr. Blackhurst for making such awesome unobjectionable custom renderings for people to enjoy, & for your untiring efforts, we will permanently extend to you a 20% discount with free shipping on any DS part straight from our German main factory in any quantity you wish, or any Playmobil blue box item for future photo stories, & custom projects, will be the day that either I die, or the ground will definitely be much colder under my feet, & the devil may need a jacket  >:D :lol:!
« Last Edit: May 28, 2009, 05:48:22 by Bill Blackhurst »
  Forget about all of the other stuff,....all we need is the reintroduction of the 3526 Fire Engine!

Offline Martin Milner

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Re: Official Playmobil Customizing Rules !!
« Reply #6 on: May 28, 2009, 06:22:14 »
... a bit naive of Geobra to think that they can "protect" children if that is actually their real intent. Children are bombarded every day with unfiltered information. Perhaps, Geobra's real intent is to protect their image for parents and grandparents, so that they'll buy more Playmobil for their children. (I'm such a cynic.)

Cynical indeed. Of course Geobra can't protect children from everything, because not everything is under their control. They can try to protect children from misuse of their product, by threatening action where such misuse comes to their attention.

In many ways this is a shame, as it may put an end to some adults using Playmobil as a modelling medium - those who need to melt, burn, hammer, nail or otherwise damage their Klickies to achieve their artistic goals. No more kneeling or arm-bending klickies, for example, because heat would have to be applied, and children might hurt themselves trying to copy the effect (if done without adult supervision).

It does however acknowledge the fact that customisation occurs, and it's perfectly OK to disassemble klickies and rearrange parts, and also as far as I can understand, adding modelling clay, fabrics, or some types of paint to enhance a klicky would still be permissable. Removal of existing printing is presumably also OK. More vague is how it relates to sawing or cutting large parts such as vehicles - our fire theme customisers may be treading on thin ice.

I don't think Geobra takes this step lightly, and I think it's entirely legally motivated, just like their closure of, but if a child maims itself attempting to do to a klicky what it has seen somewhere on the internet or at a convention, then Geobra might find itself targeted by an angry parent, and this statement presumably absolves them of blame.

I'd like to see it on ALL countrys' Playmobil websites, not just the German site, because we can't all be expected to find and understand the German version. That should have been done simultaneously, and a splash page come up whenever anyone logs into the website for a couple of months at least.

Offline Richard

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Re: Official Playmobil Customizing Rules !!
« Reply #7 on: May 28, 2009, 12:07:55 »

I don't think Geobra takes this step lightly, and I think it's entirely legally motivated, just like their closure of, but if a child maims itself attempting to do to a klicky what it has seen somewhere on the internet or at a convention, then Geobra might find itself targeted by an angry parent, and this statement presumably absolves them of blame.

Martin, if Geobra is concerned about being sued by the parents of some child suffering an injury imitating the customizing method used by a Playmobil fan, collector or customizer, then they better look under their beds at night to be sure that there are no goblins, trolls or ogres that will attack them in their sleep.

This whole issue is absolute rubbish.

A child goes to the cinema to see a Spiderman movie/film, and is given a Spiderman costume as a present (or to wear on Halloween), the child jumps off the roof expecting to be able to "fly" with the help of Spidey's web shooting powers. The child is injured. The parents win a large settlement from the moviemakers, the theatre and the popcorn concession. Sorry, my friend. It ain't gonna happen!

Whoever is in charge of this harassment needs to lighten up and find something useful and productive to do. I don't know about the rest of you, but I have a manual digital expression that I would be happy to raise on high and share with Geobra's overpaid legal counsel.

In the past, I have removed things from Garden Wargaming at Zirndorf's polite request (and received a polite thank you). However, if they continue this new heavy handed approach, they may not find me (or other webmasters) quite so accommodating!

All the best,

Offline CountBogro

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Re: Official Playmobil Customizing Rules !!
« Reply #8 on: May 28, 2009, 14:49:53 »
erm ... I don't want be a spoilsport; but when I read the original German text; I come to a different interpretation ...

I read this, not as somesort of lawmaking by Geobra; but more like making a statement what they consider to be safe use of Playmobil-figures. That's what stated in the first paragraph, which unfortunately gets somewhat foggy after the babblefish translation. Apparently, by German law at least, a toy-company can be made laible if a child gets hurt when playing with a toy in a way that's condoned by the company:

"we are legally obligated to prevent such changes since we could be made liable for damages otherwise." or as stated in the original text:
"Wenn wir dabei feststellen, dass im Zusammenhang mit Veränderungen von PLAYMOBIL-Figuren und -Teilen eine Gefährdung für die Kinder ausgehen könnte, sind wir gesetzlich verpflichtet, derartige Veränderungen zu unterbinden, da wir ansonsten für Folgeschäden haftbar gemacht werden könnten. "

This whole text is meant to give Geobra the option to say "we never intended the toy to be used like this and we can't condone it too."
Actually, IMHO they tried to do us a favor by taking a fifferent stand on those "customs" meant for child-viewing and those that are meant for adults/ late night shows. They actually mention us as "highly regarded fans".

In other words - if someone is playing with Playmobil outside these guidelines and get's hurt, then in Geobra's opinion it isn't their fault.
And if they get noticed of someone doing so in the Public Domain, then - by law - they are forced to act; although they have different guidelines for adults and for kids.

But that's my own 0.02 ...

... and then dusk came and brought despair.

Offline Bill Blackhurst

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Re: Official Playmobil Customizing Rules !!
« Reply #9 on: May 28, 2009, 15:29:29 »
So Bogro, in other words Playmobil is restricting usage of their sold products to consumers/collectors/customizers/ due to being liable if "we" want to customize our own collection, & show it on the internet, because they are afraid of a child trying to copy a process, receives an injury due to parental neglect*, & is sued in a German court of law to pay damages, but are exempt from blame if they show an on going effort of publically denouncing, forbidding, & removing any attempts of customization that are publically displayed, but will allow this taboo desire only in the confines of the violators own privacy, because they can say they didn't know about it!? THAT'S SCREWED UP   :hmm:! Here we go, let the games begin  >:(!

*= Parental neglect would in my "opinion" be a situation where a child is not being properly supervised, & uses a cigarette lighter, 2500 watt heat gun, soldering iron, razor blade, modeling knife, saw, super glue, toxic paint, etc., to do modifications resulting in injury to said child.
« Last Edit: May 29, 2009, 06:14:54 by Bill Blackhurst »
  Forget about all of the other stuff,....all we need is the reintroduction of the 3526 Fire Engine!