... a bit naive of Geobra to think that they can "protect" children if that is actually their real intent. Children are bombarded every day with unfiltered information. Perhaps, Geobra's real intent is to protect their image for parents and grandparents, so that they'll buy more Playmobil for their children. (I'm such a cynic.)
Cynical indeed. Of course Geobra can't protect children from everything, because not everything is under their control. They can
try to protect children from misuse of their product, by threatening action where such misuse comes to their attention.
In many ways this is a shame, as it may put an end to some adults using Playmobil as a modelling medium - those who need to melt, burn, hammer, nail or otherwise damage their Klickies to achieve their artistic goals. No more kneeling or arm-bending klickies, for example, because heat would have to be applied, and children might hurt themselves trying to copy the effect (if done without adult supervision).
It does however acknowledge the fact that customisation occurs, and it's perfectly OK to disassemble klickies and rearrange parts, and also as far as I can understand, adding modelling clay, fabrics, or some types of paint to enhance a klicky would still be permissable. Removal of existing printing is presumably also OK. More vague is how it relates to sawing or cutting large parts such as vehicles - our fire theme customisers may be treading on thin ice.
I don't think Geobra takes this step lightly, and I think it's entirely legally motivated, just like their closure of Playmofan.nl, but if a child maims itself attempting to do to a klicky what it has seen somewhere on the internet or at a convention, then Geobra might find itself targeted by an angry parent, and this statement presumably absolves them of blame.
I'd like to see it on ALL countrys' Playmobil websites, not just the German site, because we can't all be expected to find and understand the German version. That should have been done simultaneously, and a splash page come up whenever anyone logs into the website for a couple of months at least.