Andi ...
As several people have already stated, this appears to be simply a CYA by Geobra to outline their responsibilities, clarify their legal obligations, and to limit their liability to their customers (or, something like that) ...
In other words, "You adults please go do what you want to do with your Playmobil. But, if some kid gets hurt trying to do the same thing to their Playmobil that you adults did, then it isn't Geobra's fault." ...
However, Geobra does say that they do have some responsibility to their young customers to "police" any unacceptable use of their product where it can be viewed by children ...
... Based upon Geobra's concerns, Playmofriends and Garden Wargaming might want to think seriously about restricting their viewing audience to only those people who have acquired a sufficient number of years to be classified as an adult. (Probably none of us would ever be considered to be adults for any other reason.) ...
Thanks again,
All the best,