Great job Bill, so now you are kitbashing eh?
It gets easier doesn't it?
Your wanting to create new items that can be returned to stock is a real test, but you are certainly up to the task! Very nice work. 
I guess you can say that Gepetto

! I've finally surrendered a little! I'm no longer a Playmobil purist any more! The problem with customizing in this manner is, I'm the only one who knows how, & what something is customized, & where the original parts are to return the items back to their original form! The other mystery will be all of the eBay job lots of hundreds, if not thousands of individual items added that were not totally complete with all of the little accessories, etc. or DS parts projects used to enhance a photo story or display, for example, a coffee maker with coffee pot, & cups added to a fire station interior photo story, someone will say, where did that come from

! So, if something happens to me the secrets go with me
