... and the awful habit that playmobil has to release regional sets (instead od world-wide ones).
I was chatting with a couple of people about this on Sunday. It appears that "Exclusive" sets like this Target one are the result of the retailer approaching Geobra with an offer for an exclusive deal. Say they order 100,000 sets, Playmobil can produce these at a lower price, and make it exclusive to one store. Of coruse that store may sell them on to others, but this appeaers to be the mechanism by which these exclusives come out.
Thus they're outside the main stream of Playmobil, and don't appear on their websites or in their catalogue.
In the case of this set, The only thing here you couldn't get elsewhere is the sand-coloured base, and I'm not terribly keen on these large base plates. I understand why they do them, and they do make a good starter set, but they don't fit easily into the way I like to use my Playmobil. As Justindo and I pointed out in the previous thread about this set, they've made a few errors which detract from the set's desireability, especially for a Roman theme collector.