Author Topic: Expanded DS customising parts system opinions!  (Read 15454 times)

Offline Martin Milner

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Re: Expanded DS customising parts system opinions!
« Reply #30 on: April 28, 2009, 08:23:17 »
Fascinating video, thanks for the link Highland. 

It's interesting to see what Lego did about ten years ago to turn themselves around, and a little scary to think that, from the evidence I have seen, Playmobil aren't doing any of this, maybe aren't even aware that these possibilities exist.

First very pertinent fact in there, the Lego adult collector community makes up 5% of the customer base in numbers, but on average buys 80 times as much $ worth of product - so the actual ratio of kidbuy:adultbuy is 95:400, lets call that 100:400 for simplicity, or 1:4, so the adult collector market is buying 4 times as much Lego as the remaining 95%. Is there any reason to suppose that the adult Playmobil collecting market is any different?

Another interesting fact - they designed a $300 Star Wars set aimed at the adult collector, and the company though they were insane, but they sold like hot cakes now there are $500 sets; these big sets become a father-son building experience, re-igniting family play time in the days of video games and the box-in-the-corner-babysitter.

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Re: Expanded DS customising parts system opinions!
« Reply #31 on: April 28, 2009, 08:53:02 »
Fascinating video, thanks for the link Highland. 

It's interesting to see what Lego did about ten years ago to turn themselves around, and a little scary to think that, from the evidence I have seen, Playmobil aren't doing any of this, maybe aren't even aware that these possibilities exist.

I'm sure they are aware of them, and maybe considering what they should do as regards similar Playmobil developments.

First very pertinent fact in there, the Lego adult collector community makes up 5% of the customer base in numbers, but on average buys 80 times as much $ worth of product - so the actual ratio of kidbuy:adultbuy is 95:400, lets call that 100:400 for simplicity, or 1:4, so the adult collector market is buying 4 times as much Lego as the remaining 95%. Is there any reason to suppose that the adult Playmobil collecting market is any different?

I'd be surprised if the figures were the same for Playmobil (just hunch).  Playmobil is more a toy to play with and less a construction system and toy in one.

Another interesting fact - they designed a $300 Star Wars set aimed at the adult collector, and the company though they were insane, but they sold like hot cakes now there are $500 sets; these big sets become a father-son building experience, re-igniting family play time in the days of video games and the box-in-the-corner-babysitter.

I think you've highlighted the difference between the two products, Martin, with the words "a father and son building experience" (and maybe you have to include mothers and daughters nowadays - it would be interesting to know how far Lego is a boys only product).  Just as Meccano had many adult followers, Lego has for the same reason.  We're back to at least some degree to the "Is Playmobil a construction toy?" question.
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Offline Indianna

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Re: Expanded DS customising parts system opinions!
« Reply #32 on: April 28, 2009, 17:58:39 »
   :clap:  Wow!  I just watched the entire Jake McKee video - many many many thanks to highlandcattle for providing the link! 

We've had so many vibrant discussions over the years about the differences and similarities between Playmobil and LEGO.  Many of us are fans of both toys - I know I am!   :)  Near the beginning of the video, Jake makes a point which, to me, crystallizes the ultimate truth about both toys:  they are "creative mediums."  That is the key point!  LEGO may be more of a construction toy, but people love those minifigs.  Playmobil may traditionally be about the klickies, but there are so many construction possibilities.  Both toy worlds get people thinking "outside the box" (literally!)  There are certainly people in the world who can set up a LEGO or Playmobil set and think "Oh, that's nice," and then put it away and never want to have another (or they just don't like the "messiness" of all those tiny pieces.)  We true fans, however, set it up and think "Oh, if I just had one more of this piece or a different color of that thing or 100 of these items then I would be able to . . . "  It is the creative aspect of both toys that really gets the juices flowing. 

So many things that Jake mentioned about LEGO are also true, though perhaps on a smaller scale, for Playmobil.  We have many fan discussion boards in several languages, collectobil, playmodb, etc., all of which have been developed without much, if any, assistance from Geobra.  We have all of the amazing displays created by the fan community - there are too many to even begin to list them here.  Do they inspire people to buy Playmobil? YES!  I cannot begin to tell you how many sets I have purchased over the years because of the photos I have seen here at Playmofriends and elsewhere.  Even though I still don't call myself a "collector" I have amassed an embarrassing amount of unopened boxes, not to mention the boxes and boxes of used pieces that I acquired in order to get some Steck balconies, or more Steck castle walls, or silver dishes, etc. 

I truly believe that Playmobil could take the same approach as LEGO did and it would be very successful.  Playmobil seems to suffer from the sort of corporate culture that Jake talks about where people are worried about stuff that doesn't really matter very much, such as the way that Geobra won't allow people to post instruction plans online even though there is no logical reason to prohibit this (after all, if somebody in China is going to knock off a Playmobil set they are going to go buy one and then they will have a hard copy of the instructions, right?)  We need to find a way to get Jake and Playmobil together!  :yup:

Thanks, Gordon, for bringing the "mothers and daughters" into the conversation!  Let's remember the mother/son and dad/daughter combos, too!   8-)
U.S.A.      Massachusetts

Offline Little Jo

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Re: Expanded DS customising parts system opinions!
« Reply #33 on: April 29, 2009, 05:16:22 »
Indeed very interesting video (btw. thanks for the link) ... and also the referred Cluetrain manifest.

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Re: Expanded DS customising parts system opinions!
« Reply #34 on: April 29, 2009, 06:19:19 »
No problem guys, maybe we should send the video to Playmobil HQ ;D. My former boss who is now a manager at PLM Benelux, was not allowed inside the LEGO stand at Nurnberg 08 whilst he was still working for our company.(But the rumour got around that he was going to PLM). The division between the two companies is really big, I think

Offline Indianna

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Re: Expanded DS customising parts system opinions!
« Reply #35 on: April 29, 2009, 14:35:05 »
. . .  The division between the two companies is really big, I think

Meaning between LEGO and Playmobil?  They copy each others theme ideas, why not copy some good business ideas, too?!?!   :yup:

Is PLM a Playmobil affiliate?  Do you work for Playmobil highlandcattle?   8-)

U.S.A.      Massachusetts

Offline Little Jo

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Re: Expanded DS customising parts system opinions!
« Reply #36 on: April 30, 2009, 06:15:44 »
No problem guys, maybe we should send the video to Playmobil HQ ;D.

Exactly what I thought  ;)

Offline Bill Blackhurst

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Re: Expanded DS customising parts system opinions!
« Reply #37 on: April 30, 2009, 14:23:26 »
No wonder LEGO is more popular with a varied customer group! They now listen to their customer population! It took them looking out side of the box, but now they are stronger than ever, capitalizing on a customer base that has caught the collecting fever like us! Playmobil is stuck in the time that LEGO finally broke away from, & like I have said over & over, we as collectors may only be like the 5% of the LEGO market was to LEGO, but we buy multiple sets, & spend way more on our collections than most parents, & their kids even dream of! Playmobil needs to hire this man for his ideas to stay in business for the future, because Playmobil needs to start thinking outside of the box to survive! Thank you for this enlightening video link highlandcattle!
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Offline Donmobil

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Re: Expanded DS customising parts system opinions!
« Reply #38 on: May 21, 2009, 07:23:17 »
I really enjoyed the Jake McGee film.  I met him a few times when he worked for LEGO.  Our club was one of the 14 LEGO Train Clubs that he spoke of.  and to add to that 5%, what does the 5% add up to in sales?  1,000 USD, 5K, 1 million USD?  More?  And as I said to the CEO of LEGO in 2005, "How you know when I take a kid into a store to buy LEGO, is that set for him/her or me?"  And he said that he did not know.

So are we, the adult collectors of Playmobil, 5%, or more.  As was said earlier we, as collectors, players, gamers, purchase more sets as a group than the kids the product it is made for.  Also, it is not the child who is buying Playmobil, it is in most cases the adults who are buying it for their kids.

I started buying LEGO when my kids fussed at me when I was playing with their LEGO and was finally told to 'buy my own'.  That was about 30 years ago and my collection is larger than both of theirs.  And by the way, both my sons are now in their mid 30's.

I just started buying Playmobil about 5 years ago and became a real collector only about the last 3.5 of those years.  I like both for their difference, and have fun with both.

As a perfect example of what is needed, Playmobil makes great Medieval buildings.  But to purchase them is to build a ghost town.  Remember when Playmobil made sets with townspeople and furniture to occupy the houses?  Where is the Market stands with food, the Baker, the Inn with tables with folks sitting on benches at tables having a cold one?  It seems the Golden Age of the Medieval town is behind us.

-- Anyway, it is my 2¢ worth...  Donmobil

Offline Klickus Mobilius

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Re: Expanded DS customising parts system opinions!
« Reply #39 on: May 21, 2009, 20:20:35 »

As a perfect example of what is needed, Playmobil makes great Medieval buildings.  But to purchase them is to build a ghost town.  Remember when Playmobil made sets with townspeople and furniture to occupy the houses?  Where is the Market stands with food, the Baker, the Inn with tables with folks sitting on benches at tables having a cold one?  It seems the Golden Age of the Medieval town is behind us.

Pardon my ignorance, but I just started collecting.  Playmobil used to have sets with townspeople and furniture to occupy the houses??  You used to be able to easily assemble a Playmo Medieval town??  I'm really disappointed I missed all that!  Excuse me.  I think I'm going to throw a hissyfit:   :hissyfit:  I just ordered the new Collector's book a couple of days ago.  I can hardly wait for it to arrive.  (Market stands with food!  A Baker!  :hissyfit:)