Author Topic: I don't want to sound too nosey, but.............  (Read 5957 times)

Offline Bill Blackhurst

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I don't want to sound too nosey, but.............
« on: April 08, 2009, 23:22:21 »
Hello everyone,
The topic I'm going to start, may not be one everyone wants to participate in, but if you can, I'd appreciate your honest answers!
Question 1. Do you order replacement parts from your hosting Playmobil DS?
Question 2. Do you order replacement parts to customize or enhance your collection?
Question 3. What is the usual price of your Playmobil DS replacement parts orders?
Question 4. How many parts orders only you submit in a year?

Please don't include ordering Blue Box sets in this survey, this is for parts with part numbers only!

I'll start by saying I usually order 5 to 7 orders a year. They range from $25.00 to $80.00 depending on the order sizes, & the credit card amount that Playmobil actually submits due to out of stock issue's ???. I'm prone to submit an order while waiting for a previously placed order to arrive! What about you ;D?
« Last Edit: April 09, 2009, 02:42:44 by Bill Blackhurst »
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Offline Gepetto

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Re: I don't want to sound too nosey, but.............
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2009, 02:59:29 »
Hello Bill,

Well, since you asked, I order about every other month and shoot for the free shipping mark ($150). My orders are more to give me flexibility in customizing my figures (different shields and helmets, horse livery, etc.) than to complete sets. I don't know what you mean by hosting DS but I only order from US DS.


Offline Bill Blackhurst

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Re: I don't want to sound too nosey, but.............
« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2009, 04:49:00 »
Hello Bill,
Well, since you asked, I order about every other month and shoot for the free shipping mark ($150). My orders are more to give me flexibility in customizing my figures (different shields and helmets, horse livery, etc.) than to complete sets. I don't know what you mean by hosting DS but I only order from US DS.

I have a question Gepetto, I have never heard of free shipping for DS replacement parts orders! Is it for $150.00, & above only? They have always charged me shipping charges for my orders, but mine have never gone over $125.00  ???.
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Offline playmofire

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Re: I don't want to sound too nosey, but.............
« Reply #3 on: April 10, 2009, 06:27:02 »
Hi Bill,

I tend to order every 6 weeks or so, largely because this keeps the order to one or two sheets of an Excel spreadsheet which I email in.  The order is always above the free postage level which is £30. 

I keep the orders to one to two sheets because from my own experience of ICT and data processing I know that there are advantages in keeping a document for inputting to a manageable size in terms of number of sheets and in terms of the time it takes to input, the aim being that the data processor can input the document at one sitting without breaking off.  That way the data processing operator has an achieveable goal to work towards and no interruptions mean less chance of errors resulting from broken attention.  I know, too, from feedback, that the staff at UK DS like this.

The value of the order varies; I think I have hit £220 as a maximum, but not everything on an order is for me.
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Offline CountBogro

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Re: I don't want to sound too nosey, but.............
« Reply #4 on: April 10, 2009, 07:19:05 »
mmm - you don't sound nosey to me - just curious  :lol:

Anyway, I tend to order from DS-Netherlands only once or twice a year. And each time I try to keep the cost around €30,-
Nothing much - but the excitement when it arrives  :love:

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Offline Martin Milner

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Re: I don't want to sound too nosey, but.............
« Reply #5 on: April 10, 2009, 07:30:31 »
1) yes
2) both, but mostly to customise. Replacement parts were to bring eBay purchases up to completion.
3) usually £30-35, but I've gone as high as £90 in one go.
4) 3-4, but fewer now because I've got lots of spare parts (helmets, shields, weapons etc) ready for those customisations.

All my past orders can se seen in detail here:

Out of stock is much less of an issue in the UK than it is in the US it seems. Items that I've tried to re-order (such as the violin & double bass) have remained out of stock.

Offline playmofire

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Re: I don't want to sound too nosey, but.............
« Reply #6 on: April 10, 2009, 08:54:32 »
Ooops, didn't answer Q1 and Q2.  Yes to Q1 and Yes to both parts of Q2.
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Offline Bill Blackhurst

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Re: I don't want to sound too nosey, but.............
« Reply #7 on: April 10, 2009, 12:33:06 »
Nothing much - but the excitement when it arrives  :love:

Priceless!  :)9
« Last Edit: April 10, 2009, 13:12:36 by Bill Blackhurst »
  Forget about all of the other stuff,....all we need is the reintroduction of the 3526 Fire Engine!

Offline Bill Blackhurst

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Re: I don't want to sound too nosey, but.............
« Reply #8 on: April 10, 2009, 13:11:42 »
Thank you everyone so far for your input! It is very interesting as to see other peoples habits, & processes! I'm getting more familiar now with the LGB vs $! The US DS is extremely slack on inventory issues, & makes refurbish projects very frustrating! Sometimes a project may take years to complete, & even then because of the product sets retirement limit of over 7 years, the replacement parts become discontinued sooner unless they reappear in current sets, or I maybe required to depend on eBay job lots, or the gracious help of others in more fortunate countries (Thank you Gordon)! Let me get off of my soap box now   :hissyfit:! :-[
Please continue your input on this issue everyone! I'm really enjoying your honest answers to my original questions  :)9!
  Forget about all of the other stuff,....all we need is the reintroduction of the 3526 Fire Engine!

Offline Indianna

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Re: I don't want to sound too nosey, but.............
« Reply #9 on: April 10, 2009, 16:13:16 »
Hi Bill!  I think I can see the evolution of this question, based on your reply in another thread and I must say that, generally speaking, I heartily agree with you.   :yup:

First, to answer your questions about DS:
1) I have ordered from U.S. Direct Service many times, though not at all in the last few years.
2) My orders were usually for replacement parts that were missing from new sets.  These were always supplied quickly and absolutely free.  One time I had an advent calendar with several problems:  a deformed set of angel wings, and two missing pieces (I forgot now what they were) and it was right before Dec. 1.  The parts arrived by first class mail within a few days so that I was able to sneak them into the correct boxes on the advent calendar in plenty of time.  I think the person I spoke to must have handled it personally in order to get the parts to me so fast.  DS is usually very busy at the holidays and I would not call at that time of year except for this sort of "emergency."  Other than for missing parts, I have placed a few orders for extras.  One example: a bunch of skeletons, pirate hats, and rusty swords to make ghost pirates.
3) Order totals were in the $30 - $50 range
4)  Zero per year now, maybe 2 per year in the past but I would have ordered more if it were easier to do and the process were more like it is for ordering sets.

I have always placed my orders by phone, so I have rarely had out-of-stock situations when the order arrives.  Also, my orders were relatively small so therefore easy to place by phone.

To get to the larger issue, I agree with you Bill that it would be a good business decision for Geobra as well as a great thing for Playmo lovers if parts ordering were handled more like a real online business rather than merely a customer service.  Besides offering replacement parts and add-ons, offering discontinued lines such as Steck, electric trains, etc. could make them a lot of money as there are so many folks who would like to add to what they have in these lines but now must rely on sources like ebay which do not make any money for Geobra.  By offering these lines, Geobra would not be competing with their brick-and-mortar retailers and they would be making a higher profit margin through direct sales and saving costs through less packaging and direct shipping.  Just my  :2c:
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