Hi Indianna
Long time no speak...
Thank you for your comment !!!
Apart from silk brocades swag curtains being made as we speak, I am now totally involved in my landscaping project and did not expect to put any new item on Ebay until after the project was completed - which will take a few months.
But it was counting without the perseverance of one of my most loyal Customer who suggested an Easter Theme set for her Grand Daughter over and over and over again, and I finally gave in
Your eagle eye would certainly have spotted another Seller which was "inspired" by my creations and offers Themed Sets...if it can infuse creativity and originality, I am all for it.
With the ongoing recession, let's see if the storm that created my 13 previous sets back in February still has some power in it.
I follow very carefully the number of hits per day and number of people who are watching this item.
Do you know that back In February, I nearly dropped my glass of Merlot when my first set reached 175.00 pounds - if I had been in a WB Cartoons, my jaw would have dropped on my keyboard.
Let me tell you a little anecdote that will certainly make you smile : in January 09, the South West region of France saw a very nasty storm hitting its coasts with major damages and in early Feruary an even nastier storm hit it again with the eye of the Storm this time only 50 miles north of my house - a 16th century house near Cognac - and the top of my roof was blown away. My neighbour called my mum who lives about 30 miles away, she called a Roofer, insurance re-imbursed the damage. I had not done my attic insulation until now because of the bad exchange rate Euro / Sterling and wanted to do it sometimes this summer...
But thanks to 13 Playmobil Sets sold on Ebay on the 3rd weekend of Feb. 09', I was able to do my insulation in a huge attic - hence a hefty price.
Even when I will be a very old Gentleman - which I hope I will - I will remember that I owe that cosy / warm as a toast feeling in winters to a handful of Playmobil Sets back in 2009.
So my Little Victorians, THANK YOU