I was driving in the neighborhood of the local Toys R Us again tonight.
It happens to be about a mile from a Target where I was searching for a card table to set up my newly acquired Roman arena. Of course, while I was at Target, the first thing I did was go directly to the toy section to see what new Playmobil was there. Lo and behold, I saw a plethora of new Playmos (what is a group of Klickies called anyway? For example, a group of whales is called a pod, a group of cows is called a herd, a group of geese is called a gaggle...there should be a term for a group of Klickies). The Romans were all gone as I expected. I gave myself a moment of silence as I mourned the passing of the Klix Romana.
I stared up at the blister packs. There were Vikings, fantasy knights, the fireman/policeman set, and the Chinese prince/"ninja" set. I looked at them. And looked at them. And looked at them some more. I must have spent a good 10 to 15 minutes looking at them. Strange, unhealthy thoughts started forming in the back of my Klik-addicted mind. Do I need any of these? None of them are Romans. Can I use them? Perhaps the Vikings can pass for Gauls. I can change the helmets. The fantasy knights' armor and weaponry are magnificent, but are completely inappropriate for my Roman theme. The fireman/policeman are modern. But I have a modern family now with an RV. The Chinese set is ... is... Chinese.
No. Must resist.
I walked away in search of my card table.
But a few minutes later, almost not of my own volition, I returned to the Playmobil section and grabbed some Vikings and a couple blister packs of the Chinese (at this point, one could imagine hearing the type of romantic music that is played in an old movie as the leading man rushes back to the heroine and embraces her passionately: "I knew you would come back," she said breathlessly. "I could never leave you," he said, holding her as if he would never let her go). I'm not sure what I'm going to do with the Chinese. There is no Playmobil theme that they belong to, but I have them. Maybe Playmobil will start an ancient Chinese theme someday.
After Target, I went returned to Toys R Us to see what they have stocked the shelves with after I had nearly emptied them of Romans the last time I visited. Pirates. Fantasy knights. Police. Fire. Nothing I needed. I left, this time empty-handed.
As I was driving home, I thought to myself, this is a Saturday night. What am I doing? This shopping expedition was solely for the purpose of my Playmobil collection. A lot of single guys go cruisin' for chicks on a Saturday night. But no! Not me! I'm a single guy. And...what...am...I...doing? I'm cruisin' for Klicks.
On a Saturday night.