Forgive me if this has been mentioned before, I did a search and couldn't find it.
The six sets in the coming Drachenland theme are now viewable in more detail on with 360 views of the:
4835 Big Dragon Castle and
4836 Dragon Tower.
4837 Riesenschleuder mit Gefangenenzelle translates on Babelfish as Giant centrifuge with prisoner cell.
4838 is the big black dragon with a rider, and appears to have an LED
4840 is a catapult with two figures, the bodies appearing to be recycled Elves-in-Underpants and
4841 is a single knight on horseback, with the dreaded bazooka, and what appears to be a lollipop stick in the other hand. Maybe it's a space dagger.
Having a closer look at the three biggest sets, I'll be avoiding the full sets but looking to get some of the figures. The castle and tower will take up a huge amount of storage, being large chunks of plastic, and the red dragon (OK, wyvern) in 4835 is the chicken dragon we have already seen.
I will be getting the 4838 and 4841 sets, probably several of the latter.