Author Topic: Playmoburnout or time to reorganise?  (Read 4724 times)

Offline Martin Milner

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Playmoburnout or time to reorganise?
« on: March 03, 2009, 08:24:46 »
Klickus, the account of your TRU adventure made me laugh out loud.  It also made me feel a bit nostalgic for the early days of my Playmo-love when I had similar experiences.  Just as with any love affair, the time may come when that thrill is gone so enjoy it and experience it fully while you still can!   :yup: 

Sorry to add a rather depressing note to the conversation but I have recently reached that point myself.  How did I know the love affair was really over?  I just returned two clearance priced 4444 sets and 3 5849 Ninja/Mandarin blister packs to Target with no remorse.  Just a little sadness.  :'(

I just finally stopped compulsively buying more Playmobil.  That was a huge step.  I recently did some organizing in my attic and realized that I had become an MISB collector by default because of all the unopened boxes that I have acquired over the years from clearance tables, ebay, plus the occasional find of a rare discontinued item at a small toy store (I will probably continue to give in to that particular urge - Playmobil has proven to be a better investment than a lot of other things!  ;) )  Then there are all the sets that I bought when they came out just because they were cool: the treasure room, the butcher shop, the safecrackers, beavers, skunks, raccoons, merpeople, silver knight, golden knight, misc. pals, the big roman colliseum, the red & blue houses (5 of each - why???  but I did love to receive those big boxes direct from Playmobil USA!) and on and on and on. 

Not too long ago, I was planning to buy all the Egyptian sets plus the jewel thieves, some fairies, those wonderful new African animals, plus even more.  Now I no longer feel the urge.  I am content to see all the fabulous ways that other folks play with them.  We'll see how long I last!   ;) 

Forgive me for quoting you out of the original thread Indianna, I thought it better to start a new thread than to take KM's too far off track.

I guess a time comes eventually when a collection becomes a burden, and what used to seem wonderfully abundant now seems overwhelming. A review of what one already has is a likely tipping point.

I've been watching my purchases more closely recently, not because I don't want new stuff, but because in about 5 years I'll need to move my entire collection half way round the world (from  London UK to Eugene OR) and it's already big enough to be a storage problem in my current house. It likely won't be a problem in my future house (we're planning on a house 2.5 to 3 times the square footage) but the trip from London to Eugene is the potential problem. We'll be renting a sea container (or part of one) to carry what we can't carry on the plane, and I'm trying to ensure that I don't occupy the entire container with Playmo. We're not taking any furniture or electrical stuff, so the container will be filled with clothing, books, DVDs, hobby stuff (like my wife's spinning wheel and my Playmo) and the like.

My purchasing has also naturally eased off, because I only need so much of any theme. I've got all the Police, Fire & Hospital stuff I need to create a good scene, so even if Playmo release new versions of these things, I don't need them. I have two big castles, and enough leftover wall sections to create a ruined castle for bandits or barbarians, so I won't be buying anymore castles, though I will still add individual knights.

The Egyptian theme is giving me difficulties, because some of the sets look bulky, so far I have only figures, and I suspect I would still be able to buy this theme in America in 5 years, so why buy now and have to pay to transport it?

I've set myself the task of reorganising my collection, and potentially getting rid of some of the less-used pieces and themes. Like Indianna, I've got many unopened boxes, partly because I bought so much so fast that I haven't had time to open it, and partly because I don't have the space to have much out at a time.

I don't keep sets in their original boxes, unless it's the easiest way to store them. Generally I sort things into categories and re-box them; for example most of my Knights are kept in groups in zip-lock bags, and taken out only when I want to use that group.

My aim is to get several 84 litre Really Useful Boxes (the biggest size that I can fit through my loft hatch, and still carry when stuffed with Playmo), and divide into themes, one for Pirates, one for Knights, one for Romans, one for modern world (inclusing all Police, Rescue and Hospital) etc.

The zip-lock bag inside a bigger box seems the best way to go, so I can sub-divide themes into manageable portions.

Offline CountBogro

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Re: Playmoburnout or time to reorganise?
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2009, 10:00:06 »
I've heard of more people suffering a "Playmo-burnout". IMHO it depends on how one starts off.
Those that start off buying all they can see  ;) seem to suffer from it more then those (like me) who just go about buying a few sets at a time. I think I only buy a few sets a month (and mostly small sets as well) and I open them (almost) immediately. Somehow that seems to keep the magic going. I'm always excited to open a new box or lot from E-bay. But perhaps that's me - still too much of a kiddie  :-[

Most of the burnouters seem to return, although lessened in drive.

... The zip-lock bag inside a bigger box seems the best way to go, so I can sub-divide themes into manageable portions. ...

That works perfect for me - I've been doing that for years now ;-). I only have to try and find a place where I can store it all together. Wilma's been suggesting the rubbish tip - but she hasn't dared doing that (yet)  ;D

... and then dusk came and brought despair.

Offline Klickus Mobilius

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Re: Playmoburnout or time to reorganise?
« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2009, 12:08:06 »
Thanks for starting the new thread, Martin.  I appreciate it.   :)

I don't keep sets in their original boxes, unless it's the easiest way to store them. Generally I sort things into categories and re-box them; for example most of my Knights are kept in groups in zip-lock bags, and taken out only when I want to use that group.

The zip-lock bag inside a bigger box seems the best way to go, so I can sub-divide themes into manageable portions.

My storage system is like yours except I only have one theme so far.  Well, I'm about to start a new theme after purchasing the RV.   :P

I've heard of more people suffering a "Playmo-burnout". IMHO it depends on how one starts off.
Those that start off buying all they can see  ;) seem to suffer from it more then those (like me) who just go about buying a few sets at a time. I think I only buy a few sets a month (and mostly small sets as well) and I open them (almost) immediately. Somehow that seems to keep the magic going. I'm always excited to open a new box or lot from E-bay. But perhaps that's me - still too much of a kiddie  :-[

Since I don't buy everything I can see, hopefully, the magic will keep going for me.  I'm still very excited.

Offline Kelly

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Re: Playmoburnout or time to reorganise?
« Reply #3 on: March 03, 2009, 14:06:18 »

I tend to wax and wane - as you have probably noticed, until the last few days, I haven't made a post for several months. . .   I will get my fill of playmo and put it all in a closet(or two) for a while so that I can have a grown-up living room.  Something always seems to drag me back, though and out it comes again, along with trips to the toystore and endless hours on ebay.

Don't be too hasty in getting rid of your collection, please, because the cost of the shipping container will pale in comparison to the remorse you will have if you do. I still pine for the playmo I garage-saled when my son was younger and I thought we'd "grown out of it".

Pack it away for a while and it will be like Christmas again when you open it back up.

By the way, Oregon is a fabulous place for Playmo lovers!  My sister lives in Portland and they have  several toystores up there that stock full lines as well as Target and Fred Meyer.  Their craigslist is always packed with Playmo too.


Offline Rasputin

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Re: Playmoburnout or time to reorganise?
« Reply #4 on: March 03, 2009, 14:26:49 »
Hi Martin , A short shipping container is what  8 feet X 8 feet X 20 feet long and then they are 40 footers and 54 footers . If 1/2 the shortest one is used that is still 640sqf . How much Playmobil do you have ? Seeing as playmobil is a light weight plastic no matter how tight you pack it could you really go over any weight limits ? Reading that ever common sob story of how people got rid of their old playmobil i would imagine getting sadder over disposing of part of your collection and finding it difficult to re-obtain them latter . Playmobil is a bit harder to get here in the US . Perhaps you could use your stronger currency to begin purchasing here ahead of time, have one of our Oregon members store it for you and then you will have a whole welcoming crowd awaiting your arrival . Obviously I am not in a burn-out mode  :lol:

I guess becoming a burn-out is so individual it would be hard to take a census on the matter . Some start collecting for children and when they grow up they move on to other teenage subjects . I for one have always collected things and even though we plan to move someday I see no problem taking it all with me. I guess I just want to play with my future Grandkids as those are the golden years of having children .  
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Offline Bill Blackhurst

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Re: Playmoburnout or time to reorganise?
« Reply #5 on: March 03, 2009, 14:58:34 »
Hey martin!
If you decide to liquidate anything in your modern theme, make sure you let me make an offer first  :yup:! I promise to give them a loving home  :love:! Plus you can come & see it anytime 'cause I live in the South Eastern USA, & you'll have unlimited visitation rights  ;)!
  Forget about all of the other stuff,....all we need is the reintroduction of the 3526 Fire Engine!

Offline Indianna

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Re: Playmoburnout or time to reorganise?
« Reply #6 on: March 03, 2009, 15:58:42 »
Forgive me for quoting you out of the original thread Indianna, I thought it better to start a new thread than to take KM's too far off track.

I am very glad you did, Martin - I was starting to feel like a hijacker!   :-[

I guess a time comes eventually when a collection becomes a burden, and what used to seem wonderfully abundant now seems overwhelming. A review of what one already has is a likely tipping point.

A tipping point - exactly!  Though I never thought of myself as a "collector" per se.  I started buying the stuff for my kids and I just got really carried away because it's just such a great toy and there are so many wonderful different themes.  You guys know what I mean!   ::)

I've been watching my purchases more closely recently, not because I don't want new stuff, but because in about 5 years I'll need to move my entire collection half way round the world (from  London UK to Eugene OR)  . .

I hope you enjoy your time in Oregon - it's very beautiful there!  (I grew up in Portland.)   :) 
U.S.A.      Massachusetts

Offline Indianna

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Re: Playmoburnout or time to reorganise?
« Reply #7 on: March 03, 2009, 16:17:31 »
. . . I guess becoming a burn-out is so individual it would be hard to take a census on the matter . Some start collecting for children and when they grow up they move on to other teenage subjects . I for one have always collected things and even though we plan to move someday I see no problem taking it all with me. I guess I just want to play with my future Grandkids as those are the golden years of having children .  

So true, Rasputin!  While a lot of us may end up in a similar place, each of us has taken a different path to Playmobil.  I am one of of the group that started by buying Playmobil for the kids but then didn't (couldn't) stop buying even though they had moved on to other things.  Like you, I look forward to playing with future grandchildren and I definitely plan to keep a lot of Playmobil for that purpose, but I will probably just keep the sets that my kids actually played with plus a few items that round out the main themes (lots of Steck castle, jungle & animals, small Victorian house and furnishings.)  This "collection," however, is probably only about 20% to 25% of the total Playmobil that I actually have stored in my attic.   8}   I am currently working on thinning things out a bit (a lot?)  Even though this may not be the best time to be putting stuff on ebay I simply must get rid of some of this stuff and free up some space (the money would be nice, too, of course!  ;) )

U.S.A.      Massachusetts

Offline Indianna

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Re: Playmoburnout or time to reorganise?
« Reply #8 on: March 03, 2009, 16:20:32 »
. . .  I definitely plan to keep a lot of Playmobil for that purpose, but I will probably just keep the sets that my kids actually played with plus a few items that round out the main themes (lots of Steck castle, jungle & animals, small Victorian house and furnishings.)

Forgot to mention ships and pirates!  :-[
U.S.A.      Massachusetts

Offline nicki72

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Re: Playmoburnout or time to reorganise?
« Reply #9 on: March 03, 2009, 17:02:05 »
Even though this may not be the best time to be putting stuff on ebay I simply must get rid of some of this stuff and free up some space (the money would be nice, too, of course!  ;) )

Do tell when you start listing things!  I, for one, cannot imagine letting any of my (er, "our") Playmo find a new home!  The girls already know who will "inherit" it when they outgrow it!  But, from what I've been reading, maybe our collection isn't as huge as my husband thinks it is!  :D  I'll echo Bill--there's a home for stray Playmo here in Florida!  :yup:
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