Wait a minute...if you're not sure what Richard who speaks english meant, how is anyone able to assume the role of RP? We are not even sure what Richard meant and are now venturing to guess his probable intention!
I love the irony! 
Yes, you're quite right - one of the problems of trying to have a conversation in written form!
Usually, if you call someone a pedant you mean that they are complaining and criticising over minor, unimportant things which do not actually make any difference to the meaning or clarity of what is being written or said. For example, to say "This box is different to that one" is just as understandable as to say "This box is different from that one", but a pedant would argue that the first sentence is wrong because you should always say "different from". Now, I'm sure Richard wasn't looking for people to make comments or changes like that. Maybe he was really meaning an editor or redactor.