A little snopes here, fwiw ...
Peter ...
I am a great fan of Snopes, and usually check everything ... especially political references. However, I didn't think to check this somewhat humorous historical article. First, because it sort of made sense and, second, because it was intended to be light humor using loosely connected historical possibilities.
Regardless, I think that this Snopes report is really interesting because of their own "disclaimer" in the first line which states, "This is one of those items that - although wrong in many of it's details - isn't exactly false in an overall sense."
What the heck does that mean? "isn't exactly false in an overall sense."
(I've never seen this kind of "back pedaling" in a Snopes report before.)
The person who wrote this then goes on to say, "and is perhaps more fairly labeled as "True, but for trivial and unremarkable reasons."
Peter, thanks for this very "interesting" and amusing Snopes link.
All the best,