Thanks for that interesting link, Sylvia!
I think the story is being spun to persuade parents to buy toys that inspire imaginative play. That is what the best toys already do, but if that helps Playmobil to sell more, that's fine.
Haven't kids always wanted to be explorers and firefighters and veterinarians and archeologists, etc.? The news story says that "only 11% of parents admitted they followed their childhood dreams" so it would be interesting to know what they wanted to be when they were children. Before movies and TV, children were inspired by the stories and books and current events of their times. There's lots of imaginative play in fairy tales, Robin Hood, Knights (King Arthur, etc.), 1001 Arabian nights, "cowboys and indians," Robinson Crusoe and Swiss Family Robinson, tales of actual war, gladiators and chariots (Ben Hur), real-life pirates and privateers, the list is endless.
Few people may end up in the career that was their childhood dream but they may well be happier and better people for having had the chance to develop their imaginations and creative skills as youngsters.