Thanks for pics! Great new stuff, although I not sure if I will get all the sets. The both new large vehicles look great (I think they are a must, although they are quite similiar to already existing ones apart from the new cool roof).
About the headquarter I'm unsure. For sure there are nice details like the garage and the hose tower, but I like more the old headquarter building with red roof parts. So I think I just will enhance my old building by the new cool parts.
A little bit disappointing to me the leading vehicle: I would like more the emergency doctors vehicle to be used instead -- anyway, so another oportunity for a custom car
And another "miracle" is solved: the helmets of the new theme still will be white; so no need to replace my collection of old (white) ones.
Sadly the pics are so small because the uniform seems to be quite new and different; especially I can't spot what's about the collar of the new dress