This reminds me of the Pirates of the Caribbean ride at Disneyland where in one scene the pirates are chasing the women around the square, Disney saw fit in this modern day and age to give the women trays of food to carry to give the pirates a reason to chase them (I am sure in Rasputin's case the woman is their waitress and they want more water). But I digress.
It's all fun and games until the child must sit with his/her parents and explain to Mom and Pop about the birds and the bees.
Heh, better still--did Disney change what the pirates were drinking to soda pop? I'm not joking. A vocal minority of Americans have gone tee-total and regard alcohol as something people drink for no other reason than to get smashed.
Is it just me or does Playmobil no longer produce the foam that goes with the beer mugs? On the other hand, the new wedding feast does come with champagne. So, maybe I am seeing meddling where there is none.
But, seriously, my local target has opened up with the new blisters.
The fat viking is a useful all purpose figure.