Martin, don't give me a fright like that! They are actually 7380 and 7381, pirates that have been out in Germany for some time. (Very cool though, especially Sinbad.)
Well I did say new to me!
Maybe I should have specified new to the UK website, where the label NEW appears next to them.
I'm guessing nothing ever gets to the UK that is really new, it'll always be available somewhere else first.
VAT is currently 15%, dropped from 17.5% recently, but of course nobody is reflecting this drop in their prices, retailers and other companies benefit but not the public, we still pay the same price.
Sales Tax in the US is added AFTER the shelf price in stores (a matter of major confusion to me) but for internet sales presumably it's already been included?
Not Joking about the Euro - check the exchange rate online - today about 1.10 Euro to the £, but it was as low as 1.05 at the weekend.
The currency sign swap is a very common trick, they do it with $/£ too - very annoying when £1 was worth $2.