I venture this post with some caution, but I do feel that Tim_w has misinterpreted some remarks as being aimed at him personally rather than simply being comments on the technique of creating a picture story. In this, he does himself and other contributors to the thread a great injustice, although in saying this I am well aware that reading what is written on a screen leads to a far lower level of comprehension than when reading the printed word on a page in front of you and so misunderstandings like this can easily arise in a screen-based debate.
In opening the thread, Rasputin is wanting to find out from members the optimum placing of text in stories so that they are as easy to read as possible, that is, it is a technical discussion on "how to". A further technical question, having to scroll across the screen to view all a picture is then introduced by me.
Little Jo extended the discussion, but still keeping to the theme I believe, by drawing a distinction between a "real" photo story where the picture is self-standing by the use of speech bubbles and the documentary type photo story where the picture requires some, usually brief commentary under it. He also introduced what I found the interesting idea of moving through the story by "turning pages" rather than scrolling down a screen, expressing a preference for this, but noting that in a forum it is difficult to do this. He also suggested presenting stories through the gallery which separates story from comments.
The next major post for purposes of my reply is Timotheos's where he says what style he prefers, adding that if there is a lot of text he tends to "skim" read and concentrate on the pictures, and suggesting that "If you get rid of the photos, and the story still makes sense (ie. it reads like a prose short story), there is probably too much text...". Possibly, this last idea comes across as a rather "throw away" statement and so may be open to misinterpretation, but it is, I think, a statement which has some logic in it. Maybe if it had been written something like as follows this would have been clearer.
" In fact, it could be argued that if you can get rid of the photos and the text still makes sense, then it is more a prose short story than a photo story."
In none of the thread up to this point do I see any criticism aimed intentionally at any member, although members may find
general comments which may apply to their approach to photo stories, but there is a big difference between this and directed personal criticism.
Because of the sort of problem which has arisen I tend to steer clear of discursive threads where people express personal opinions or other preferences, certainly when tensions appear, but in this case I have stuck my neck out because I do feel that there is a risk that a number of strong contributors to the board may be put off from contributing in the future which will be a great pity, especially if we remember Rasputin's words at the start of this thread:
"The reason i am asking is there is a very wonderful influx of stories right now and would like to ask the readers what they prefer and or what is easiest to read / understand ? Actually there are so many picture stories going right now i have a hard time keeping up with the adventures. I find myself not wanting to post comments in the middle of a story . So thank you to all who are painstakingly entertaining us Well, that's my personal view, now no doubt fire and brimstone will rain down on me from all directions.