This is the final version after several prototypes in which the suit case lid would not stay closed with the paddles, & leads placed inside for storage. That problem has been resolved, & this is the custom portable cardiac defibrillator being shown in use by Playmobil City EMS Medic 11.
Medic carrying portable cardiac defibrillator to an unresponsive patient without a pulse.
Another angle of closed case.
And another
Overall view of PCEMS crew checking the endotracheal tube placement, O2 sats, starting an IV, & getting ready to inject cardiac meds through the IV access port with CPR in process.
Charging defibrillator to shock @ 200 joules........stand clear!
Defibed @ 200 joules.
Still in V-fib, no pulse.
Atropine, & Epi on board, CPR in process. EMS crew is getting ready to defib again @ 250 joules....stand clear! Defibed again @ 250 joules...... we have a pulse! Keep ventilating, & prep patient for a "load & go transport" with no delays!