Author Topic: PCFD Allocation Morning  (Read 3501 times)

Offline Tim_w

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PCFD Allocation Morning
« on: December 28, 2008, 16:38:22 »
Hello Everyone :),

This is one of the final story's before Bill and his men start operational duties working for my fire service. I have tried to keep it interesting for the general viewer but as i have said before it can be tricky making things interesting. Even though there is no action in this one I still felt this story was an important part of the bigger picture and would explain certain things to Bill and anyone else who has been following events. I am building up towards the interesting stuff, so please bare with me :lol:

Sunday morning bright and early and all the appliances are pulled out into station 23's yard. After a week of planning Station Officer Gardner is finally ready to allocate crews to their respective appliances for a week or two of frontline work before training starts. Bill and his men will get to see first hand how things are done over here in the UK. They will also attend all emergency calls in and when required out of station 23's area.

The men stand together chatting waiting for SO Gardner to start.

"OK men form a line and lets have you quiet".

« Last Edit: December 28, 2008, 18:18:28 by Tim_w »


Offline Tim_w

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Re: PCFD Allocation Morning
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2008, 16:38:46 »
"James your on the Water Tanker with Leroy"

"Donny and Jerry your on the Water Tender with Sub Officer Wright."

"Axe I need you to wait over there. Nick your on the Water Tender Ladder with me".

"OK Bill i think you know what your doing allready, pop over and see Terry"

"Looks like its going to be a busy week for us Bill"

There appears to be a problem. A real problem that i built into the story and an oversight on my part :lol:. We were a man short now Axe had been pulled out.

"James I am going to need you back over here"

"James your now on the Water Tender Ladder with me and Nick"

"Axe i have got a special job for you. Wait over there with Bill please."

SO Gardner calls over some of his men to fill in the gaps. It has been decided that one of our Firefighters will accompany each pair of PCFD men.

« Last Edit: December 28, 2008, 18:20:16 by Tim_w »


Offline Tim_w

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Re: PCFD Allocation Morning
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2008, 16:39:03 »
The two crews have been formed and consist of a PCFD District 1 firefighter and a PCFD District 2 Firefighter accompanied by an Officer, Firefighter and Driver from Station 23's men. Station Officer Gardner will take out the first appliance and Sub Officer Wright will take out the second (the reverse of what would normally happen).

« Last Edit: December 28, 2008, 17:18:01 by Tim_w »


Offline Tim_w

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Re: PCFD Allocation Morning
« Reply #3 on: December 28, 2008, 16:39:15 »
Then the peace and quiet is shattered by the sound of a bull horn as another appliance pulls into the yard.

"OK men stand to"

A grizzled looking gentleman with a bushy grey mustache jumps out of the cab of the appliance wearing a white incident commanders jacket.

"Who is this Bill?" whispers Axe. Bill just looks puzzled, afterall how is he supposed to know who it is either.

"Still got that clip board in your hand i see Gardner, your never without it" bellows the formidable character in a mock anger "We were on our way back from a shout over at Palmer's Cross and i thought i would pop in on our way back. It was touch and go wether we would have to call you lot in, but we got it under controll in the end"

This is Divisional Officer Bennet the commander of Station 21 Claregate the brigades Head Quarters. SO Gardner had arranged for him to pop over and see Axe but because of the 'shout' he is earlier than planned.

"OK lads less of the formalities. Its too cold to be standing out here go and grab yourselves a cup of tea"

"He doesn't have to tell me twice"

« Last Edit: December 28, 2008, 18:57:12 by Tim_w »


Offline Tim_w

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Re: PCFD Allocation Morning
« Reply #4 on: December 28, 2008, 16:39:28 »
"Right where is this Axe you have been telling me about Gardner"

"Hahahahahaha you have done it now Axe"

"Hahaha bite me Nick"

Axe: "What have i done Bill?"
Bill: "I dont know Axe, its probably nothing"

« Last Edit: December 28, 2008, 18:16:53 by Tim_w »


Offline Tim_w

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Re: PCFD Allocation Morning
« Reply #5 on: December 28, 2008, 16:39:48 »
"So your Axe, i have heard a lot about you lad and i mean a lot"

"Hello Bill, nice to meet you at last. Just going to have a word with Axe if you don't mind lad"

"I have heard your good and if your that GOOD your joining me tomorrow morning for a driving test"

"Your going to get to put MY baby through its paces and if you pass this test you get to go on one of Gardner's BA Entry Teams"

"Right i am off for a cup of tea and shower. See you tomorrow lads"

"Good Bye Sir"

« Last Edit: December 28, 2008, 18:09:59 by Tim_w »


Offline Tim_w

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Re: PCFD Allocation Morning
« Reply #6 on: December 28, 2008, 17:55:53 »
DO Gardner: "There you go Axe you said you wanted to drive one of these things, now you have got your chance"
Axe: "I know i said that Sir but he scares me"
DO Gardner: "Dont worry Axe i am sure you will come out of this in one piece. You don't know DO Bennet's reputation, so thats in your favour"
Axe: "What do you mean by that Sir?"
DO Gardner: "Its best you dont know Axe, it wouldnt help you feel any better :lol: ;D"

« Last Edit: December 28, 2008, 18:15:03 by Tim_w »


Offline Tim_w

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Re: PCFD Allocation Morning
« Reply #7 on: December 28, 2008, 18:11:42 »
Thank you for taking the time to look at my pictures. I hope you have enjoyed the story as much as i did making it.

Kindest Regards Tim  :wave:


Offline Bill Blackhurst

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Re: PCFD Allocation Morning
« Reply #8 on: December 28, 2008, 18:46:49 »
This is GREAT  :lol: :lol: :lol:! I'm really enjoying the fun atmosphere, & camaraderie between all personnel! You have raised the bar in story telling again for sure Tim  :wow:! As I keep saying, I can't wait for the next episode!
  Forget about all of the other stuff,....all we need is the reintroduction of the 3526 Fire Engine!

Offline Tim_w

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Re: PCFD Allocation Morning
« Reply #9 on: December 28, 2008, 21:45:36 »
Hello Bill  :lol:,

Thank you for the kind reply. As you can tell i am having great fun working on this project. The final part to Axe's story is all worked out in my head, its just getting out there and taking the pictures. I hope to continue the same light hearted humor as i go through the whole project. Its all down to you setting the foundations with your wonderfull send off story Bill. I hope i have continued to develop this aspect for you and by the time your men arrive back home you will have 8 little 'characters' with their own 'personalities' to include in your story's.

Tim  :wave:
