Well I responded to a local add for some free playmobil. I contacted the person a few times and finally got a hold of his # and went to pick up the items today . It was in a town about 40 miles away so i decided to look up a few dealers in the area .
My first stop was the free loot . It was all in a big box and dirty but the boys and i put it together and the wife washed the necessary parts .
Then off to the shops . My first stop was a store named Mr. Mopps 1405 Martin Luther King W 94709 Berkeley , CA Phone No: (510) 525 9633. They had a decent pile for our area and the prices were what i would have expected ( about 10%-15% over list ) but i was hoping to find something special and old . I came across a light pink box and knew it was on oldie - 5313 nursery $11 . Then i looked some more and then on the floor under some new stuff i saw a 5300 House . The box was perfect but they wanted $199.99 . I had never seen one in a store so i picked it up to look at it and then i saw the other sticker . Clearance $99.99, now i was interested. After a long while thinking it over 1/10th of a second i took the house and nursery .
Off to the next stop - Sweet Dreams 2921 College Avenue 94705 Berkeley , CA Phone No: (510) 548 1050 . Nice little store with about the same amount of boxes . nothing special except an open car RC unit for less so i picked it up . Prices on the other things were 20% higher and there were a lot of people buying them . Makes me want to check the thrift shops the next time i am there .
Over all an unexpected day with some treasures . The shops were neat to see but prices were high . Moderators - If this needs to be moved have at it .
here is the non Magical pic. It is missing a few parts , railing, flower pots, chandelier, but still i was shocked at how much was there. Thank you santa