Maybe mead isn't exactly wine...
but, seriously, Gordon, there are semi-dry meads!

I like trying Spanish wines. I guess because I liked my first Spanish wine, a Caceres de Rioja, so much; the reds at least are spicier without being as heavy as the Australian lineup... Argentine wines are hitting our shores at a decent price with different tasting grapes than the usual suspects.
My pet peeve, somewhat, is Napa Valley. My dad took a three day tour of Napa Valley a few years back, and though he never touches a drop, he's a super-fan of Napa. There will be a bottle of Napa wine on the table this Christmas of which I will be the sole drinker. I'm uncertain whether his tongue isn't firmly in cheek when he extolls the virtues of Napa, plants a bottle in front of me, and refuses to touch it....
To Gordon:
It's difficult to find good port around here without looking hard. There is a "generic" American brand that dominates the store shelves here which tastes very mediciney. What price range does decent port fall into?
I enjoy good Sake but that is also hard to find in the US outside of a major port city. Gekkeiken, which is bland is everywhere, unless you go to Chicago, San Fran, or LA. I mean, even the Japanese restaurants in St Louis stock nothing but Gekkekken...