Hello Bill,
As it happens there is a training course coming up soon with some spaces available. I have had a word with the chief training officer and he has reserved an unlimited amount of places for you. So its up to you how many men are sent over, we can allways open up an extra class for them. I would suggest that Junior officers and upwards attend as they have the most experience and would benefit more from the training. When they return home they can pass on the knowledge learned to the others. It would be nice to meet one of your Chief's as well, i know my Chief Fire Officer likes meeting new people . I will leave the other finer details to you but i would suggest that first class tickets are purchased for your men (air mail, preferably recorded ). We had an instance in the past when a group of men went astray on a boat only to turn up a month later looking slightly groggy
Hello again Tim
It sounds like a plan! I'm getting 8 personnel ready at this time; District 1 Deputy Chief 1, & 1 second lieutenant line officer, & 2, District 1 experienced firefighters. District 2 Deputy Chief 2, & 1 second lieutenant line officer, & 2, District 2 experienced firefighters. I will be sending their turnout gear complete with SCBA or BA's, 2 types of helmet's for each personnel, along with anything else you may need for them to bring, provided it will go through customs
! Let me know also if you have found any more parts that you may need that I may have in stock to send also. The other parts from Germany should be there soon
, I hope
Be thinking what you would like for your firefighters to be trained in here, so I can be setting up a memorable experience for them also!
Best Regards,