I got three klickys for Christmas, at work ... Two in a blister pack (two pirates, I had already gotten, from a playmofriend, by the way ... they're very welcome!
), and one Special (another "Fletcher", very welcome one as well!
Not to say that my Blue Goblin arrived
Though, once grandma's here for Christmas & New year, I won't have chance to make pictures or stories, until January. Only the ones already shot, that are a bit dusty but, well ...It's nice that grandma came. It's the fourth year, I think. She's been coming all ends of years, since 2004, and, if I'm not mistaken, 2002 and 2001 they came too. (Grandma, and my older aunt, with whom grandma lives.) Christmas = family, aye?
(Internet obstacles mainly made me reduce a lot the rythm ...)
Our two daughters are now young ladies who have their own homes and careers. Neither of them are very interested in Playmobil. We have no grandchilden. So, the only big kid is me ...
I have to say that was always a bit curious, mr. Rick, about your children ... I wander: how was it to raise children with a playmo-collection (like that of yours)? Were they never interested?
(My father always ... tried to convince me to like Tarzan adventures, but it never happened.)
I'm afraid of having kids, and having trouble with the condition of my playmo ... Collector's and children's things don't fit together. (My father's miniature war airplane collection went on my cousin's hands (before I was born), and nothing was left! ... (I never knew it.))