I know it is just Thanksgiving but i have already started to shop and i see a few others have also . I was wondering what is the community getting this year ? It might help to identify the recipients sex and age so it is clearer on the situation . I asked and people are posting and i have read in other treads people divulging presents , so here is our playmobil list .
I am getting our oldest son (7.5) Pirates , 4294 Light house, 4290 ship, and 4295, 4292, 4291, 4293 smaller sets to compliment it .
The middle son (5), do to his silly personality and high silly spirit will be getting Circus . 4230 Big top, 4321 band, 4233, 4234, 4235, 4236, 4237 acts, and a few 4238 clowns . We will save the 4232 trailer for a birthday or something .
The youngest (3) who is much more serious will get the Things that do things, 4323 large delivery truck, 4321 race car-shop, 4312 car-wash, 4318 garage, 4442 car with go-cart.
I am hoping my Mom or Mother in law will get them each a 4320 controller for the cars and trucks
My brothers son (7) i am still trying to figure it out . He is a big computer kid and his dad does not play with toys
. Maybe the Target Roman arena ?
My brothers daughter (1) i may get some 1.2.3. but i am not sure yet .
My sister in laws boys (6 & 2.5) i will get some romans and pirates for them
My wife will get the 4199 Fairy garden, 4196 flower wheel barrow, 4195 carriage, 4197 rickshaw & the 4198 water lily . in each set i hide either chocolate , earrings, a bracelet or other jewelry
That way i am psychologically making her like playmobil blue boxes more
PS: Martin tell them to get a charlie brown twig tree