Hello, Rick? Yes Mark, what’s happening?
Thanks for calling me on my cell phone. Rick, you maybe aware of this situation already….Yes Mark, I’ve been monitoring the radio…..how bad is it?
Rick, the medics were working on M___ K______ as they were leaving, but he still didn’t have a pulse.Not good, Mark.
No, it’s not Rick. I wanted to bring you up to speed since he is normally assigned to District 2 under your command. We are going to investigate this entire event to see what went wrong. If you want to participate you are welcome to assist.
Thanks Mark.
Rick, do you all need any help on your end?No Mark, it sounds like you all have your hands full at this time with your fire scene. We’ll take care of the situation. I’ve already sent unit 2181, & car 219 to the parent’s residence to take the family to the Playmobil City Hospital Emergency Department.
Thanks Rick, it sounds like you’ve got a handle on things, I just wish I did.Mark, there is one thing, you may not be aware of this, but M___ K______ has a fiancé assigned to Engine Company E121. Her name is S____ M_______, & from what I understand, she maybe working on your fire scene now.
Oh, no…...thanks for the info Rick…...let me go so I can get this situation taken care of.No problem Mark, I’m sorry you had to find out about that situation this way. Thank you for keeping me informed about M___ K______.
You’re welcome Rick, Good bye.Good bye, Mark.