Author Topic: Fellowship of the Ring  (Read 6582 times)

Offline Timotheos

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Re: Fellowship of the Ring
« Reply #10 on: December 07, 2008, 09:21:45 »
Hi Martin

Thanks for publishing your long awaited customs!

The hobbits, Gimli, and Legolas look great.

Gandalf the White is definitely a fair interpretation, since Gandalf actually did die after the fall with the Balrog (he returned to the island of the silmarils, lobbied about a bit, then returned to the scene of the crime, if I remember right).

Your Strider / Aragorn is not bad.  Anduril though wasn't reforged until the end of the book (or was it in Rivendell?).  With Bill the Pony included, looks like you're modeling your characters on the journey to Moria (albeit, Gandalf was still "the Gray" at that time).

Boromir... you call him a "frontline fighter", but he was the son of the steward of Gondor, and rough due to personality rather than by upbringing (his brother Faramir is smoother and smarter)(and all these Tolkien sorts are really "frontline fighters"--the only chiefs who don't march at the head of their armies are Denethor, Sauron, and Saruman!)

Well, OK, I have to admit--I personally will forever envision Boromir as he looked in that god-awful Bakshi cartoon of Fellowship of the Ring.  He was a d**n viking with a horned helmet, and red mustache!

I don't remember what he looked like in the movie.  I hated how Jackson depicted Moria.  Immediately after Pippin drops the pebble down the well, the orc army is steamrolling at high speed for them.  C'mon.  That was so lame.  Everything Jackson did was snap-snap a mile-a-minute.  I kept expecting a car chase.

Offline Martin Milner

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Re: Fellowship of the Ring
« Reply #11 on: December 07, 2008, 11:43:15 »
This Fellowship should be as they set out from Rivendell, as Elrond got them to line up for a group photo.

I don't have the parts to make Gandalf the Grey, so I went for Gandalf the Wite. One day I may have the parts for a Grey Gandalf.

Anduril was reforged in Rivendell before the company set out, so it's correct for Aragorn to carry it here. Jackson has the shards kept in Rivendell on some sort of altar or display stand, but in the book he's carrying the broken sword in his scabbard.

Boromir was a captain of the Minas Tirith Guard, if I recall. I say front line fighter to distinguish from Aragorn as a Ranger, who was more of a sniper and back up melee fighter while in the company. Boromir carries no ranged weapon, but does carry a shield, as he did in Jackson's film.  In the fight in Durin's Crypt, Boromir takes the first rush of orcs, while Aragorn and Legolas use their bows. After the breaking of the Fellowship Aragorn becomes a more front line fighter and I don't think he carries a bow after that time (again, in Jackson's film).

Offline Abbot Hamilton

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Re: Fellowship of the Ring
« Reply #12 on: December 07, 2008, 20:00:22 »
I'm not a Lord of the Rings fan, but even I instantly recognised them. You could probably do a great photostory with these Martin. They are excellent.
O brother where for art thou?

Offline Gustavo

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Re: Fellowship of the Ring
« Reply #13 on: December 31, 2008, 04:07:25 »
This Fellowship should be as they set out from Rivendell, as Elrond got them to line up for a group photo.

I don't have the parts to make Gandalf the Grey, so I went for Gandalf the Wite. One day I may have the parts for a Grey Gandalf.

Anduril was reforged in Rivendell before the company set out, so it's correct for Aragorn to carry it here. Jackson has the shards kept in Rivendell on some sort of altar or display stand, but in the book he's carrying the broken sword in his scabbard.

Boromir was a captain of the Minas Tirith Guard, if I recall. I say front line fighter to distinguish from Aragorn as a Ranger, who was more of a sniper and back up melee fighter while in the company. Boromir carries no ranged weapon, but does carry a shield, as he did in Jackson's film.  In the fight in Durin's Crypt, Boromir takes the first rush of orcs, while Aragorn and Legolas use their bows. After the breaking of the Fellowship Aragorn becomes a more front line fighter and I don't think he carries a bow after that time (again, in Jackson's film).

Characters are wonderful!
Commentaries are correct, concerning movie/book differences, according to my memory.

more ideas

I've seen a version of hobbits with bunnies feet. I found it very interestin ... :D

&, the only thing I'd somehow add to Boromir would be a horn.



Offline Tim_w

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Re: Fellowship of the Ring
« Reply #14 on: December 31, 2008, 20:20:05 »
Hello Martin :),

Excellent representations of the characters from LOR, i am at a loss for words to describe them really :wow:. I dont know how this thread slipped me by :-[. Seeing these has made me realise that i must make a point of watching the films again, they were amazing.

Tim  :wave:


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Re: Fellowship of the Ring
« Reply #15 on: January 01, 2009, 17:22:11 »
Those days the triology has been shown on TV here in Germany -- I must say, very well custom and very realistic to the original!

Offline Timotheos

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Re: Fellowship of the Ring
« Reply #16 on: January 02, 2009, 11:09:39 »
Hey Martin

We're waiting for those elves in underwear you picked up in Houston to burgeon the ranks of Rivendell.

The batwings on a ghost's body might even do for Nazgul.

I have an idea for Sauron.  (He's real hard!   :lol: :lol: :lol:)

Offline Martin Milner

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Re: Fellowship of the Ring
« Reply #17 on: January 02, 2009, 12:14:24 »

the only thing I'd somehow add to Boromir would be a horn.



Good idea!  I must have a spare one from my Roman army that will suffice.

Offline Martin Milner

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Re: Fellowship of the Ring
« Reply #18 on: January 02, 2009, 12:30:29 »
Hey Martin

We're waiting for those elves in underwear you picked up in Houston to burgeon the ranks of Rivendell.

The batwings on a ghost's body might even do for Nazgul.

I have an idea for Sauron.  (He's real hard!   :lol: :lol: :lol:)

I got about 1/2 a dozen of each of the elves and the batwing guys; not sure what I'll do with them yet but I do like the wings attachments - they're so unashamedly Fantasy. A pity Playmo only produced one body style/colour for the winged warrior, and his poor ground-based companion from KISS. I'll be customising eventually.

Offline Timotheos

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Re: Fellowship of the Ring
« Reply #19 on: January 02, 2009, 19:19:58 »
Good idea!  I must have a spare one from my Roman army that will suffice.

Hey Martin, how about from the viking set?

A pity Playmo only produced one body style/colour for the winged warrior, and his poor ground-based companion from KISS.

I was bemused by how all the sets recycle the same two figures, minus different colored wings or shields.