Cachalote ...
I think richard and rasputin are maybe missing the idea.
as far as i could tell, axel gave up the idea of a very complex clicky inserted on the inside of the book with a transparent window.
it seems to me that "transparent" would apply to the window and not to the clicky.
as far as the customization possibilities can go, i think that a sticker in a "regular" white and blue clicky is the maximum goal.
these are not great possibilities but maybe macgayver can confirm them.
From what I read over at Klickywelt, I think that your assumptions are probably quite correct,
However, I would think that Playmobil could do a lot better than just a "sticker" on a plain Klicky.
Why not do something really spectacular? Why do they always seem to take the "least expensive" or the "least trouble" way out? If they can't do something with some real WOW, why bother at all?
Well, that's my two cents worth ...
All the best (and, I wish that Playmobil would also do their best),