Author Topic: Using a spreadsheet for UK DS orders  (Read 2946 times)

Offline playmofire

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Using a spreadsheet for UK DS orders
« on: October 27, 2008, 21:22:28 »
I use a spreadsheet when ordering from UK DS, attaching it to an email.  I use three columns, part number, description and quantity.  (Actually, I use more than three columns, but hide the others when I send the order in as they are only of interest to me.)  With my last order, I asked if they preferred the order sorted in ascending numerical order of part number or random and whether they wanted the column in with the part description in.  The answer to both questions was "Yes" as structuring the spreadsheet this way helps with its processing.

BTW, when ordering by email I have found on a number of occasions (and I think Martin has too) that using the generic email address is unreliable so I always use a specific staff member's email address.
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Offline Gepetto

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Re: Using a spreadsheet for UK DS orders
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2008, 01:58:30 »
I am glad you brought this up Playmofire although I can't tell if you are responding to a query or just mentioning your process.

What columns do you keep off your order? I am curious how other people structure their DS orders. I also use a spreadsheet and the same column headings you do except I have one column for quantity wanted and one for actual number I was able to get, plus unit price and extension, running total (for free shipping) and color. I also color code the text and box  items based on their priority and whether I have been able to order them before.


Offline playmofire

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Re: Using a spreadsheet for UK DS orders
« Reply #2 on: October 28, 2008, 02:04:14 »
Hi Gepetto, I'm just raising the point so that UK DS can work more efficiently.  I spent years with data processing control as part of my responsibilities so I know that ordering the information the right way means data processing staff can work more efficiently and the customer also gets a better job for his/her money. 

The extra columns on my spreadsheet refer to who I am buying parts for and availability of parts.  The latter column is blank of course when the order goes in, but I still hide it so that only the columns DS need to see are visible.
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Offline Gepetto

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Re: Using a spreadsheet for UK DS orders
« Reply #3 on: October 28, 2008, 02:11:28 »
I sort my list numerically and notice it helps them find the items more quickly when I phone it in and makes inquiries about questionable items easier too. I also spent many years in inventory and order control and appreciate how a little planning on our end can help the whole process run more smoothly, I am glad you brought this up. Thank you.


Offline Rasputin

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Re: Using a spreadsheet for UK DS orders
« Reply #4 on: October 29, 2008, 14:44:41 »
I too use an Excell sheet for my orders . It works great for me as i avoid having a room full of sticky notes with part numbers all over my walls  :P. I sort my #'s in a "need" basis with 4 columns ( Quantity, Part #, Description,  Set # ) the quantity is what i want and when ordering if it is out-of-stock i put an "o" or if it is discontinued i put an "x" but i leave the amount i wanted . The set # is used in case of a mistake . When ordering i have found it faster to order # by # on the phone . I keep ordering until the running total reaches free shipping status .   I have Emailed the list but it took a week to get a responce so i stick with the phone for now .
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