I wouldn't be surprised if future Specials, as we currently know them, cease to exist altogether. I think children would much rather have two figures to play with (e.g. bride and groom, knight and squire, legionary and Celt, etc.) instead of just one and the savings in packaging and shipping would be quite substantial for Playmobil. Although collectors and traditionalists may lament this change, I personally wouldn't mind as I throw the boxes away anyway. While one may not always want both klickies, I can't imagine this would happen too often as both klickies would be from the same theme. As for price, the two-pack blisters are $2.99 at my local Target while the Specials are $3.29; $0.30 more for one less klicky and more packaging doesn't seem like a good value to me.
By the way, I was at my local Target today and there were no new pirates, no new crusaders, no new Romans, and no new Santas.