Serenity: There is a local group (and yes, it's a lost cause) but one has to (as Richard elegantly says) make a noise. We are two very small towns 8 miles apart (Pullman, WA & Moscow, ID). They (Walmart) invaded the neighbor town about 7 years ago and about killed it. However, Moscow manages to limp along as they have a year-round populace. Pullman, on the other hand (and in a different "color" state) has 2/3 of it's population (mysteriously) "disappear" during the summer (I'm thinking of pitching our situation to the networks...afterall, if "Lost" can make it...
"Summer in Pullman: Where Have All the Students Gone?!!!
). Anyway, I'll see if I can find the info. Maybe letters from all over would at least lift morale. (And yes, I vote with my $. I never voluntarily enter a Walmart. Having been a teen in Arkansas...I steer clear of the Walton Family.)
Richard: You've nothing at all to apologize for except the 2000 presidential election.
As a Floridian...
Seriously...I do wish the link color was a bit more of a contrast from the text box background. I often miss links (or am the missing link?) as they don't jump out at me. Then again, I probably shouldn't need something to
JUMP OUT AT ME in order to notice it. Time for coffee perhaps?